Ch. 20: Being Prepared

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In the Other Zoo, Luz was getting the final things done before Bullet got loaded up tomorrow. If everything went well, she boards the plane at five AM and arrives back home sometime later in the morning. Then the zoo staff transports Bullet, and she can go see Amity.

'If she's alone, I could surprise her from behind.' Luz thought.

Luz had to think of that later, as she had a lot of work to do before Bullet would be transported. Once she was almost done, Luz stopped for a lunch break.

'Just a few more hours and I'll be back in San Diego... then the real mystery begins.'

The mysterious of what truly happened to her father and possibly where her power comes from.

'I don't even know how I'm going to explain this to Amity.' Luz thought, 'I remember when my life was normal... well, as normal as speaking to animals and dating a witch can get.'

Though, Luz thought normal was overrated. Her life had gotten a lot better when she got her gift. She may not have had many human friends, but she was never lonely thanks to all the animals she's befriended. She just wishes she knew where it came from, and maybe this can help. Hopefully before the day of their wedding. Before she knew it, she was done.

"Alright, I have to get back to work." She said aloud.

"And I have to get back to.....nothing." Bullet said before she went into her pool for one last swim.

Luz stood up and picked up her garbage. She didn't think that eating lunch with an alligator would be so calming. If she knew this she would've eaten lunch with Tank a long time ago. Granted, that might not have worked that well, because he is in an exhibit with dozens of other gators, even though they're carnivores, they will occasionally eat plants to get some nutrients they can't find in meat. If Luz came in with a delicious salad, they would all be asking for a bite until there was nothing left for Luz. She could never saw no to cute baby animals; it was her weakness.

'Oh god, if cute animals can sway me, what would my child do?' Luz thought with wide eyes.

She would cave in too quickly. She hopes Amity would be able to take care of that, because she's got no spine when it comes to things like that.

"So, Amity would be the strict parent while I would be the fun parent." Luz muttered as she left, throwing her trash away properly.

Luz headed to the kitchen, wanting to get a head on the sedative, as it would take a lot of it to keep Bullet out. Also keeping it out a little would let the meat get runny, something that she knew most gators loved.

"Now, where do they keep the sedative?" Luz asked herself.

Luz knew her zoo had a place they kept it in the cabinets, with a big red label, which might means this zoo might also have them in the cabinets.

'Now, let's see what kind of sedative they have.' She thought as she opened the cabinets, checking for them.

She found them, pills, those were easy enough, just stick them into the meat and there you go. A little easier than having to use the powder they have in San Diego; with that you have to practically season the meat in that. And when you don't know how to cook, you tend to season it TOO much and the animal can tell it's in the food. With pills, it makes things so much easier. Soon she'll be back home.

"Don't worry Amity, I'll will be home soon." Luz said, "Hopefully, you're doing good."

The Zookeeper 2: The Past and The Present Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora