Ch. 15: Empty

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In San Diego, Amity finished her day and arrived back at her apartment. Once again, her family came with her and watched as Amity slumped on her couch and released a long sigh.

"That was a long day of work." Amity said to herself.

"It was... interesting to see what you do for a living." Emira said.

"Yeah, working with dangerous animals everyday." Edric said to her.

"I've told you once and I'll tell you 1000 times more, giraffes aren't dangerous." Amity said to them with a groan.

"You can say it a thousand more times and I still won't believe you."

Amity groaned as Alador pulled out a bell and rang it to signal Eda to open a portal for him.

"I believe it's time we go." Alador said, "We'll see you later, Amity."

"Already? But we haven't even had dinner yet!" Edric said to him.

"Some other time, Edric. I think we've hung around Amity long enough for one day." Alador said.

'Besides, I have work to do. If I'm right, then this might just lighten her mood up.'

The twins relented and nodded, giving Amity one last hug before they walked to Alador as the portal door appeared before them.

"We'll be back later, Amity." Emira said.

"Now that we found you, we won't have to be separated again."

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you guys later." Amity said as she gave them a small smile.

When the portal closed Amity went to her fridge and grabbed a wine bottle. It was a gift from Camila... yes, she lied to Eda, she did have alcohol... sue her. Normally, Amity doesn't drink, she's drank maybe one or two glasses of wine in her life. The second they left... she drank the whole damn bottle. She didn't think seeing her birth family would be that draining. Not to mention the disappointment with the magic necklace didn't help either.

'If Eda saw me, she would call me a hypocrite.' Amity thought as she stopped drinking, hiccupping a bit before she walked back to the couch.

"Soap operas, take my troubles away." She said.

In the Boiling Isles, Alador walked into his lab and looked at the palisman, a simple white cat, it's a weird one, there is nothing known about it, not even Bat Queen knows where this one came from. It hasn't so much as moved since Amity disappeared, which made him think that this was going to be hers.

'And hopefully, this will do what I failed to do.' He thought as she picked up the Palisman.

"Tomorrow, you'll be given to a true witch."

The palisman didn't give much of a reaction but it only gave a slight flash from its eyes in its statue like state. Alador hoped this would work, if it didn't... he didn't want to disappoint Amity for a second time. He spent a few hours running tests on the palisman for magic levels, form stability, and possible reactions outside of its eyes flashing.

"It still seems functional, despite being inactive for two decades." He said, "That's good. It means you'll react more lively when you come in contact with Amity."

Hearing her name, the palisman's eyes flashed again but lasted 3 seconds before fading away.

"Hmm... Amity."

The palismans eyes did it again.

'Fascinating, it seems just mentioning Amity's name triggers a reaction as well.' Alador thought as he picked up the palisman and left his lab.

In the Human Realm, Amity laid in bed, unable to sleep. She missed Luz's warm body, soft skin, and comforting touch.

'Again, how the fuck did I manage to live without Luz in this apartment with me?' Amity thought as she was less drunk, 'I feel so... empty without her. I never noticed how much of a void I had before we got together.' Amity thought as the placed her hand in Luz's spot on their bed. 'I can't imagine my life without her now and I don't want to.'

"I hope you're not feeling upset like me." Amity said.

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