"Y/n, please," Sebastian pleaded.

"No, we're done," I stated bluntly.

"This can't be," he replied, his voice filled with defeat.

"Then how come it is?" I responded simply.

We stood there in silence as the rain poured down on us. All I ever wanted, from the moment I met him, was to be with him. But I had learned the hard way that you should always be careful what you wish for. As much as I loved him and cared for him, I couldn't keep prioritising his needs over my own. I knew deep down that this was the right decision.

Tears now streaming down my face, I turned on my heel and headed back inside, leaving Sebastian standing alone in the rain. I made my way to the bathroom, trying to hide the evidence of my tears before rejoining the group at the table.

Theo POV

The conversation at the table came to a halt when y/n came running inside, making a b-line for the bathroom, confused glances were shared across the table. 

"Is everything okay?" Anne asked. In that moment a loud crash came from outside, followed by a grunt from Sebastian.

"I'm not too sure, excuse me" I said dismissing myself from the table, Samantha stood up with me and headed to the bathroom to check on y/n, I headed outside to see Sebastian. 

"What's going on?" I asked him, concern lacing my voice.

Sebastian looked up at me, his face filled with anger and sadness. He struggled to catch his breath as he choked out, "Sh-she broke up with me," his hands clutching his hair tightly.

"She did?" I asked, a mix of curiosity and a twinge of hope stirring inside me. A small part of me couldn't help but feel excited by the news.

"Yeah, I just don't understand," he replied, his frustration evident. My gaze locked onto him, and the anger I had been holding back finally erupted. I couldn't bite my tongue any longer, not when it came to the way he treated y/n. This boy was completely deluded.

"I don't think you understand. She's tired, tired of putting your needs above her own, tired of the pressures of school, tired of never feeling good enough. But I suppose how would you?" I snapped, making sure to emphasise the obvious point that his actions had led to all of this.

"Huh?" Sebastian replied, his face filled with confusion.

"You've been so consumed by your selfish, delusional mindset that you've pushed her away. You've pushed her so far that, despite how much she loves you, it's not enough for her to stay," I responded harshly.

Sebastian looked at me, torn between anger and sadness. My words cut through him, and the realisation of what he had done finally seemed to be sinking in.

"So, what do I do now?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck, a typical sign of his discomfort.

"You do nothing. Leave her be. You've done enough," I snapped, walking away and back into the house before he could say anything else.

As I reentered the house, I found y/n sitting at the table with Samantha and Anne, their hands comforting her as she held back tears.

"I think it's time we leave," I suggested. The group nodded in agreement, and we began packing our things.

"It was nice to see you, Anne. I look forward to seeing you at Hogwarts next year," y/n said, a small smile gracing her face. Anne hugged her, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you for everything, y/n, and don't worry about Sebastian. I'll have a serious talk with him," she replied, and they shared a brief laugh.

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