Chapter 8 - You Have My Word

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Anger still rushes through my veins as I pace back and fourth on the upper deck of the astronomy tower. My hands firmly grasping my hair at the side of my head as I try and process the events of today, I've never felt so alone and betrayed. The cold autumn air brushes past my skin as I wrap my robe around me a little bit tighter in an attempt to contain some heat. 

"I'm so fucking stupid" I let out under my breath, trying my hardest to hold back tears. After a few moments I take some deep breaths and perch my arms on the barrier of the lookout, gazing at the stars as tears roll down my cheek, I bite my lip as let my mind sink into deep thought. 

"They're beautiful aren't they?" I hear a voice say. I quickly wipe the tears from my face and turn my head to see Theodore leaning in the doorway behind me. 

"What do you want Theodore?" I let out through my teeth. "Call me Theo, and here take this" he walks towards me, handing me a cigarette before placing another in his mouth, cupping his hands to ignite it with his lighter. 

"I don't smoke" I say. "It'll help with the stress" he replies, taking a hit as he mimics my position over the balcony, looking out at the stars. I don't argue, I just take the cigarette to my mouth and light it with my wand, I breathe in and let the smoke flood my lungs, exhaling slowly as I feel my heart rate come down, finally able to take in my surroundings peacefully. 

"See?" he smirks, giving me a quick glance before turning his attention back out towards the sky "it's peaceful up here, I like it" he continues. 

"So are you here to kill me?" I finally ask as I watch the cigarette in my hand burn slowly.

"Kill you?" He questions, turning his body to face me. 

"Yes, like you were trying to do in Hogsmeade last week" I reply, taking another hit, still keeping my focus out towards the stars. 

"Ah, yeah about that... I wasn't trying to kill you, scare you yes, but not kill you" he says, letting out a small laugh. 

"You're working with Harlow" I scowl, my attention now on him as I bring myself to an upright standing position, he stares into my eyes and parts his mouth. 

"For and was" he replies slowly, lowering his head in what looked like shame. "What do you mean?" I ask. He stays silent for a moment, taking another drag from his cigarette before looking at me again.

"Durmstrang isn't just known for favouring dark arts" he says letting out the smoke from his lungs "they have a special programme that trains you to become an assassin, my family forced me into it... I was sent on a job for your uncle, my parents were more than happy to take the payment from him and ship me here to do his dirty work for him " he pauses, taking the last toke of his cigarette before throwing it off the balcony, he turns himself around to face me, leaning his back on the barriers crossing his arms. 

"When I saw you in Hogsmeade I was supposed to bring you to him, I would of if your little friend didn't get in the way, but I'm glad he did I think we can help each other out" he says, raising his eyebrow at me. 

"How so?" I ask curiously. "I know where he is, I can take you to him, help you bring him down and in return I get my freedom back" he replies. I stand there for a moment with my arms crossed, confused and hesitant to believe a single word he says. 

"He's in Azkaban" I let out. "I can assure you he isn't Y/N" Theo replies, shaking his head. 

"How do I know I can trust you, that what you're telling me isn't a lie" I question. Theo walks towards me slowly, making eye contact with me the entire time, there are just inches of distance between us as he brings his hand up to my eye line, stretching out his finger "you have my word darling" he smirks. I look at his hand for a moment before I intertwine my pinky with his, agreeing to make a promise, my trust now lying in the hands of a complete stranger. 

"So what's the plan?" He whispers, our fingers still laced together, our bodies so close we can feel each others breath. I smile at him before slowly pulling away from our moment of intimacy "we can start by telling each other everything we know, let's meet in the library tomorrow evening after dinner". Theo stares at me and smiles "it's a date". My eyes widen with surprise at his words "I'm not that easy to get" I reply crossing my arms once more. 

We both let out a small laugh, I watch as he draws another cigarette out of his robes. I can't help but take in everything about him, I'm not sure what it is but he makes me feel things... The cheeky smile, the curly dark hair, the wide brown eyes, his flirtatious manner, it all had me in some sort of chokehold. It was at that point I decided to turn in for the night, I smile at Theo as I walk past him "goodnight Riddle" I say softly, he looks at me keenly as he puts the cigarette in his mouth "goodnight Archer". 


I get to herbology and take my usual seat next to Ominis, shooting Sebastian, who is sat the other side of me, a dirty look to make sure he knows I haven't forgotten about yesterday. 

"Y/N we didn't see you at dinner last night, how are you?" Ominis asks cheerfully. "Hello Ominis I'm fine, how was your date last night?" I reply angrily, still staring at Sebastian. He looks at me for a moment before breaking eye contact and directing his attention down to a book in front of him, he looked nervous and unsettled. "Look Y/N I know what it looked like but it wasn't a date, we had a project to work on for charms and Sebastian was just being a good friend because Samantha wanted to work with me" Ominis admits. "I'm also only telling you this because I care about you both, but we went for a drink in Hogsmeade yesterday because he needed to speak to me about you, he really cares for you, he needs you right now" he continues. 

I sit back for a moment and glance once more over at Sebastian before looking back at Ominis "what do you mean? What did he say?" I ask. "It's not my place to say, just talk to him please?" He lets out with a sigh, I place my hand on his "thanks Ominis". 

Before our class get's started professor Garlick makes an announcement "hello students, we have a new rose joining our garden today, please welcome Theodore Riddle" I instantly turn my head to the door and see Theo standing there "Miss Archer would you kindly do the honours of assisting Mr Riddle please?" she continues, I gulp before nodding in agreement, as Theo walks over to me we exchange smiles.  

Professor Garlick set us the task of repotting mandrakes, she handed us all some cotton wool to put in our ears so we don't pass out from the deafening sound they release when pulled out of the soil. I turn to our potting table and place my hand on the top of the plant. "Grab it further down, you'll get a better grip on it" Theo says kindly. I follow his instructions and quickly pull the mandrake from the pot, placing it into a bigger one. "I didn't know you were into herbology" I say, raising an eyebrow at him. "There's a lot you don't know about me" he grins, I shake my head slightly in awe of the mystery of the boy before me. 

As the class ends me and Theo exchange friendly goodbyes as we go our separate ways for our next lesson "I'll see you tonight darling" he says, I don't reply I just grin at him as he walks away. "Tonight? Darling? Are you making friends with the enemy now?" Sebastian lets out angrily. "Not jealous are we Sallow?" I laugh rolling my eyes. "What - no, Y/N he tried to kill you remember" he replies frustrated and flustered, his hands now clenched at his sides. "Give it a rest Sebastian, I'm sure Adelaide wouldn't be too happy if she found out you worried about me" I say sarcastically. 

I'm not too sure why I said that, especially after what Ominis told me. I had every intention of speaking to him and resolving our issues but there was something about a Jealous Sebastian that I loved, it's almost like reassurance that he actually does care for me, plus the flirting with Theo was too much fun... 

"Y/N please it wasn't a date!" Sebastian pleads. I turn to him and place my hand on his shoulder giggling "Sebastian I know, I'm just playing, it's fine.." he looks at me with puppy eyes, letting out a sigh as his face begins to show a smile "I'll meet you both for dinner later" I say before leaving the classroom. 

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