Chapter 9 - Sparks Fly

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I head to my dormitory before meeting the boys for dinner, I needed to drop some books off and freshen myself up after a long day of hands on classes. I throw my stuff down on my bedside table and lay on my bed my legs dangling off the side, taking in a deep breath, I let myself fall into deep thought about Sebastian and Theo. Two boys so similar yet so different, they both ignite feelings in me that I never thought I could feel... The intensity of my thoughts are disrupted by Imelda's unexpected interruption.

"Y/N I've been looking for you" she says. I roll my eyes and let out a sigh before sitting up, I scowl at her, frustration bubbling inside me. "What do you want Imelda?" I snap. "I saw you with the new kid in herbology, could you introduce me?" She asks shyly.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "And why would I do that?" I demand before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

"Y/N, please," she pleads, following me.

I spin around, my temper flaring. "Stop being such a bitch towards me, and I'll think about it," I snap before slamming the bathroom door shut.

Finally having some peace and quiet I get myself ready for dinner, I twist my hair into two loose braids, powder my face and put my robes on, after I hear Imelda leave the room I let myself out, grab my wand and head to the great hall.


"Hello boys" I wave at Sebastian and Ominis as I sit down opposite them, they don't even acknowledge my presence, engrossed in their own world.

"Mhm" I cough, their eyes quickly on me "oh hello Y/N nice of you to join us" Ominis says before turning his attention back down to his plate of food and continuing to shovel food into his mouth.

"You're not still reading that book, are you, Sallow?" I ask, irritated and concerned.

"Erm, yeah, there has to be an answer in here," he stutters, looking up at me.

"I'm not so sure. You've been at it for over a week..." I say, taking a sip of my soup. Sebastian slams his book shut and lets out a sigh before dragging his plate of food closer to him. 

"Are you going to share with us what you're doing with Riddle?" he asked, scrunching his face in suspicion. The question caught me off guard, and I almost choked on my soup. I wasn't ready to divulge the details of my promise to Theo until I knew more about him.

"Uh, just studying," I lied, avoiding eye contact and staring at the table in front of me. Their eyes bore into the top of my head "don't lie to us Y/N" Ominis said, calling me out. 

"Fine," I sighed, knowing I had to come clean. "Theo and I are working together to take down Harlow." The boys exchanged disbelieving looks before Sebastian spoke up.

"What? I must have misheard you," he said incredulously.

"No, you heard correctly," I confirmed. "We met in the astronomy tower last night, and he's been forced to work for Harlow by his parents and Durmstrang as part of an assignment. He wants out, and we can help each other."

"How can you trust him?" Ominis demanded, his voice laced with suspicion. "And why were you in the astronomy tower with him in the first place?" Sebastian added, his tone cutting like a knife. The barrage of interrogating questions hit me like a wave, my heart racing and my palms sweating.

I could feel my blood starting to boil over, the anger bubbling up inside me like a volcano. Without another thought, I stood up, slamming my hands down on the table in front of them.

"Enough!" I shouted, my voice shaking with emotion. "We've made a promise, and this is happening whether you like it or not."

There was an awkward pause before I felt Ominis' hand on top of mine. His touch was gentle, but it did little to soothe my frayed nerves.

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