Chapter 15 - You're not doing enough

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The past two weeks had blurred together, leaving me feeling both physically and mentally drained from my extended stay in the hospital wing. The aftermath of Harlow's attack had taken its toll, but I found solace in knowing that everyone had emerged from the ordeal alive and well. Today marked my long-awaited release, and while the healing process had been arduous, with the constant questioning from professors and staring at the same four walls, I was ready to leave with a glimmer of hope.

As I prepared to depart, the nurse approached me "take these pills three times a day for the next week, that should fight off any remaining infections". Grateful for her care, I nodded and expressed my thanks, acknowledging the dedication she had shown during my recovery. Gathering my belongings, I stood up, ready to make my way back to the dormitory.

To my surprise, familiar voices greeted me from behind, and I turned around to find Ominis, Samantha, and Theo standing in the middle of the room. A surge of joy washed over me, prompting me to rush towards them, embracing each of them tightly.

"What are you all doing here?" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement at their unexpected presence.

"Did you honestly think we would miss your discharge?" Samantha responded, a warm chuckle escaping her lips. I had grown fond of her during my time in the hospital wing, appreciating her kindness and the way she cared for Ominis, the pair of them visited me often, bringing treats and disclosing any school gossip. 

However, it was Theo who caught my attention, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him, offering a comforting embrace. Confusion etched my features as he whispered his gratitude into my ear.

"Thank you," he uttered, his voice tinged with emotion.

Pulling away slightly, I furrowed my brows, seeking an explanation. "Thank you? For what?" I inquired, a mix of concern and curiosity in my voice.

He struggled to hold back tears, his voice quivering as he revealed the truth. "If you hadn't taken that hit for me, I wouldn't be here today," he confessed, a single tear now tracing its path down his cheek.

A rush of realisation washed over me, and I stood there, grappling with the weight of Theo's words. In that moment, the gravity of my sacrifice struck me, and tears welled up in my own eyes. Wordlessly, I reached out, gently wiping away his tear, conveying my understanding, gratitude, and the unspoken bond that had formed between us.

"And I would do it again," I murmured softly, a small chuckle escaping me. Theo had been incredibly kind during my recovery, spending the initial days together until his own discharge. After that, he faithfully visited me every single day, diligently helping me with schoolwork and assignments, ensuring I didn't fall behind.

With a mixture of concern and curiosity, I queried, "Where's Sebastian, by the way?" Casting my gaze upon the trio before me, I observed their exchanged glances and lowered heads. Sebastian's appearances had been scarce, occurring only once or twice, and his presence had often been accompanied by silence.

"I-I..." Theo began to respond.

"It's alright, Theo. Let me handle this," Ominis interjected, placing a reassuring hand on Theo's shoulder. "Go with Samantha, we'll meet up as planned," he added softly. Theo nodded, bidding me farewell with a hug before departing with Samantha.

"Ominis, what's happening?" I questioned hurriedly, the nervousness palpable in my voice.

"Come, we need to talk," Ominis replied, extending his arm for me to link mine with his. I took hold of his arm, and together we walked toward the herbology gardens.

In The Shadow of Love // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now