Chapter 7 - Sebastian Sallow

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Sebastian Sallow POV 

I make my way into the dormitory when I see Ominis leaning up against his bedpost. 

"What did Y/N want?" Ominis asks. 

"Oh nothing, you know what she's like. She was just trying to get under my skin for something I said to her as a joke the other day" I reply, keeping our flirtatious encounters a secret. I loosen my tie and start getting myself ready for bed. 

"When are you two going to grow up and admit your love for each other?" Ominis says, letting out a sigh. 

"Oh give it a rest Ominis, it's just friendly, I'm not in love with her" I reply bluntly. 

"Sebastian I have known you for a very long time, you care for her deeply, you just either don't know it yet or you are in denial about it" he replies. 

"Good night Ominis" I say, turning my back to him as I pull the covers over me. 

I lay there still, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I've had a lot of sleepless nights since I killed my uncle and lost Anne, it's something that haunted me regularly, the only thing that actually brings me peace and light are reminiscing on my memories with Y/N, the thought of her was starting to occupy every part of my mind, leaving little room for any dark feelings conjured from the events of last year, my happiness depended on her. Even the little arguments, the times she pissed me off, I'm grateful for them all...


"We're going to be late, get dressed" Ominis shakes me as my eyes slowly open. I rub my face before eventually bringing myself to sit up. 

"What time is it?" I ask. "We have charms in five minutes" Ominis replies, I watch him as frantically throws my clothing at me. 

"Ominis, you've given me two robes and no trousers" I say letting out a laugh. 

"Well I can't fucking see can I?" He shouts back in a panic. I get myself out of bed and throw on some black trousers with a plain white shirt, my Slytherin tie and my robe, barely having time to brush my teeth before Ominis pulls me out of the door. 

We sprint to charms class and take a seat on one of the back benches "are these seats taken?" I ask "no no, sit!" Adelaide replies, we put ourselves down next to her and Samantha and pull out our books. 

"You're not sleeping again" Ominis says in a low voice. 

"What?" I reply.

"The late mornings, it's because you're not sleeping again" he responds. I don't reply I just let out a scoff and try my best to focus on Professor Ronan's lesson. 

"Right class I want you to work in groups of four and produce a presentation on the charm accio with a physical demonstration of how it is used correctly, you will present it next lesson" Professor Ronan addresses the class. 

"Do you want to work together Ominis?" Samantha says quietly, smiling over at him. I look over at Ominis and nudge him with my arm, knowing full well he has feelings for her. 

"Sure, I'd like that" Ominis responds. 

"We can work as a four!" Adelaide chimes in, staring intensely at me. 

"Erm, sure" I reply, rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Great! Let's meet in the library tonight" Samantha says, me and Ominis simply nod in agreement and exchange short smiles with the two girls. 

I don't like working in groups and I always found Adelaide kind of annoying, but if it meant Ominis got to spend some time with Samantha then it was worth it. He needs something to distract him from constantly third wheeling in mine and Y/N's adventures. 

In The Shadow of Love // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now