Chapter 11 - A rose between two thorns

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It has been a few days since our gathering in the undercroft, and I must say, it turned out better than expected. Surprisingly, Ominis and Sebastian have taken a liking to Theo rather quickly, though I'm uncertain if that's a positive development. Their antics have been driving me up the wall, but thankfully, Ominis is there to keep me sane, and the boys in check.

As I prepare for the day, I indulge in a refreshing shower and proceed to dress in my customary attire: black trousers, a white shirt, my Slytherin tie, and robes. I allow my naturally wavy hair to cascade down my back. Grabbing my bag, I make my way to the common room to rendezvous with the boys for breakfast.


We settle into our seats in the Great Hall, the atmosphere this morning is wild everyone seems to be more cheery than usual. Sebastian plops himself down beside me, while Theo and Ominis take their places opposite us. As we grab plates piled high with mouthwatering food, ready to take on the day.

"Guess what, guys? Quidditch is making a comeback this year! The first game is happening this weekend. Are we going?" Sebastian blurts out, his words barely intelligible as he chews on a mouthful of bacon.

My eyes widen with genuine enthusiasm, unable to contain my excitement. "Absolutely! I've never witnessed a Quidditch match before, and I can't wait!" I exclaim, a rush of adrenaline surging through me. Ominis and Sebastian exchange incredulous glances, as if I've shattered their perception of reality.

"You've got to be joking," Ominis blurts out, his disbelief evident in his voice. My face flushes with embarrassment. Quidditch was canceled during my fifth year due to an incident, so I missed out on the experience entirely. I simply shake my head, unable to find the right words.

Theo, joining the conversation, confesses with a sheepish smile, "I haven't watched a game either. It wasn't part of our curriculum at Durmstrang." Our gazes meet, and I send him a comforting smile, relieved to know I'm not alone in this.

Sebastian's cheerful voice interjects, determined to remedy our Quidditch-less existence. "Well then, it's settled! We absolutely have to go to the game!" A surge of happiness fills me as I realise that I'm about to embark on my first Quidditch adventure.

As Ominis begins explaining the rules and intricacies of the game to Theo, my attention is abruptly diverted when Sebastian nudges my arm. I swiftly turn to face him, only to find his gaze focused on his concealed hand beneath the table. Wordlessly, he motions his eyes downward, indicating a note he's holding.

I take it from him and open the parchment so I can read what it says. 

Meet me at the viaduct entrance during our free period today, bring a coat.

My eyes widen in surprise as I read the note. What could he possibly want to discuss in private? I thought things were going well between us, considering how much we've been getting along recently. Questions swirl in my mind, fueling my anxiety for our upcoming meeting.

I glance back at Sebastian, acknowledging his request with a nod of agreement, before refocusing on the conversation unfolding at the table. Theo rises from his seat, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a cigarette, placing it between his lips.

"Are you coming, Archer?" he asks, extending the packet of cigarettes towards me. I accept one, standing up and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

Sebastian's curiosity gets the better of him as he inquires, "Since when do you smoke?"

I simply shrug my shoulders, offering a mischievous smile. "Helps with the nerves," I reply, subtly implying that the note he passed me moments ago was the source of my jitters. Sebastian returns my smile, a knowing smirk playing on his face.

In The Shadow of Love // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt