Chapter 10 - Getting Along

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Ominis and Samantha pull away from each other in a panic and sink back into their own chairs. If looks could kill, me and Theo would be dead. The tension in the air is so thick, you could practically slice it with a butter knife. And it's not just your typical awkward tension, if you catch my drift.

I pull my hand over my mouth and let out a chuckle "don't mind us, we're just looking for a book" I lied, trying to ease the tension a little bit. I scan over at the bookcase, shaking my head in mock disappointment. "No luck here, I'm afraid." Turning to Theo, who seems utterly perplexed, I continue, "Anyway, we are going to take a little break." I grab Theo's arm, silently urging him to follow me. He complies without uttering a word.

Before we leave I quickly turn my attention back to Ominis, remembering that we needed to speak with him "Oh, Ominis?" I asked calmly. He looks up from his lap with a worried expression lining his face "yes Y/N?" he asks. 

"We need to speak, can we meet in our usual spot around 11pm tonight? And grab Sallow too" An eager smile forms on my lips as I await his answer. After a moment of hesitation, he replies, "Um, yeah... Sure." I nod at Ominis and Samantha, acknowledging their presence, before swiftly turning on my heels and skipping joyfully toward the library exit.


Sebastian POV

The common room envelops me in an eerie silence that has persisted throughout the night. Time seems to blur as I find myself surrounded by a chaotic heap of crumpled parchment, my futile attempt to capture my emotions within a letter for y/n. A flood of thoughts and sentiments swirl within me, but I'm haunted by the fear of appearing like a complete loser.

In a moment of defeat, I throw my head back and emit a small groan of frustration. This is utterly useless.

Suddenly, my world jolts as a familiar voice shatters the silence. "Struggling, are we?" I snap back to reality, hastily readjusting my posture. "Merlin's beard, Ominis! You scared the living daylights out of me," I exclaim, my breath heavy with surprise, shaking my head in disbelief.

Ignoring the fact that his arrival gave me quite a start, Ominis proceeds with his news. "I spotted Y/N in the library. She's requested our presence in the undercroft tonight." I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion "why?" I simply ask. 

As Ominis settles down beside me, he contemplates Y/N's vague request, a shrug accompanying his words. "I'm not too sure, but I have a feeling it's related to Harlow and Theo," he responds, the uncertainty evident in his voice.

Overwhelmed by a wave of uncertainty, I release a deep sigh, my worries cascading from my lips. "Have I waited too long?" I ponder aloud, my voice heavy with regret. Ominis redirects his attention to me, toying absentmindedly with his wand.

"What do you mean?" he asks, his tone laced with confusion.

"If Y/N has made progress with Harlow, the last thing she'd want is for me to pour out my feelings. It's a lot for her to process," I explain, my arms crossing defensively as I rest my head on the table in front of me. A whirlwind of emotions engulfs me — embarrassment over my unexpressed feelings, fear of losing the connection between Y/N and myself, and the potential ruin of our friendship.

Ominis' reassuring hand gently rests on my shoulder, prompting me to lift my head and meet his gaze. "Sebastian, there's never going to be a perfect moment," he begins, his voice filled with sincerity. "To be honest, I think it's best if you tell her sooner rather than later..." His words trail off, accompanied by a small sigh that escapes him.

Perplexed, I raise an eyebrow, seeking clarification. "What do you mean by that?" I inquire, a mix of curiosity and concern evident in my tone.

Ominis hesitates for a moment, his gaze shifting as he gathers his thoughts. "Well, when I was with Y/N and Theo, they seemed quite comfortable around each other. Nothing romantic, mind you, but there's definitely an unmistakable aura when they're together," he confesses.

In The Shadow of Love // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora