Chapter twenty-four

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately, the comparably calm and relaxed atmosphere got ruined by a door banging open, the impact with the wall was that loud, in fact, Wilbur was sure it sent wood splinters flying. Tommy startled awake from that, shooting up into a sitting position immediately and hectically looked around the room, blue eyes looking duller than usual. Large eyebags were prominent under his eyes, reminding the brunette of dark canyons.

"Philza fucking Craft," Tubbo's voice roared through the hallways as footsteps (he must've been running) sounded down the hallway, "if you have even as much as bent a single hair on Ranboo's head I will smother you in toxic gas!"

"We didn't do shit, mate." Phil sighed, having got up from where he was priorly laid down in the nest, and groggily walked to the door, Tommy trailing close behind him.

A flash of something crossed the young blonde's face and not even a second later the blanket he had priorly used as a cape was discarded on the floor, the boy now running as fast as his still healing ankle allowed him out of the room and down the stairs, right after the brunette. Jumping down the last couple steps of the stairs (which soon proved itself to have been a mistake as he winced in pain, the ankle still not being back at its full potential), he quickly made his way down the hallway, slightly slipping as he rounded the corner and came face to face with the young hero and his friend.

The tall teen's eyes were still closed, but he seemed to be somewhat awake if the groan he let out upon Tubbo touching his cheek had anything to say (and if that wasn't a surprise, a pleasant one for both Tubbo and Tommy).

"Ran?" Tommy asked quietly, now crouching down in front of the couch, right next to Tubbo. Ranboo let out another groan, something that sounded even more aware than the prior noise he made, and the teens watched with almost hysteric relief as the boy shifted, face contorting into a grimace, whether from pain or something else they didn't know.

"Ran, are you awake?"

"" His voice was hoarse, and it was more of a slur than an actual word, but they had heard him nonetheless. Ranboo stirred again, wobbly arms trying to find something to grab on, the body slowly moving into a sitting position.

"Holy shit," Tommy whispered quietly, eyes watering slightly and a smile painted on his face as he and Tubbo grabbed for Ranboo's arms, helping him up as gently as they possibly could. This was a true miracle, the potions Phil and Eret had given him just earlier that night must've been insanely strong for him to be up and running again already, especially with that kind of awareness.

Ranboo flinched as sunlight pouring into the living room window hit his head, eyes squinting immediately as he tried to lean away from the window as far as possible. Rubbo immediately moved and jumped up, blocking the light from reaching his eyes as he leaned over the tall teen, pressing him as far back into the sofa cushions as possible, much to the protest of the half-conscious teen.

"Don't you dare get up," the brunette hissed, lacking actual venom as his hands placed themselves firmly on the other's shoulders, "you're hurt pretty badly, don't even fucking think about moving."

"No no no," the teen mumbled, eyes blinking rapidly into focus. His pupils were somewhat dilated, if Tommy didn't know any better he'd say Ranboo was about to fall into his instincts, but he didn't have any visible hybrid traits. He was a human as far as the blonde was aware.

"You're not getting up, boo," Tommy said firmly, having gotten up from the ground as well and gently placed the blanket he had found on the floor on the teen's lap, "trust me, it won't end well if you do."


"Is not here," the blonde said, voice as stern as he could muster it to be despite the small shaking, "he's not here, he can't hurt us."

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