Chapter nine

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It had taken a while for Tommy to register that this was actually happening, the heroes were keeping him here. And for some reason, they were stupid enough to not have figured out that these highly suspicious injuries were linked to Theseus and, in some way, to them. It had unnerved the blonde teen to see the Angel going full mother hen on him, now that they knew the injuries were inflicted by potions they had made him sit in the room for a while longer while Charlie and the winged hero went through every kind of liquid which could potentially make the effect wear off faster.

"This would be much easier if you just told us when they hit you with the harming pot, mate." Angel had said with a gentle smile, Tommy hated them.

He had looked the hero dead in the eyes, hoping that his deadpan expression would make him shut up. He wasn't going to tell them the exact date it happened, no need to challenge his luck, mentioning when it happened would definitely ring some alarm bells with them and by Prime he really wanted to get out of this situation, preferably without handcuffs and a permanent visit to Pandoras.

"You know you're safe with us, right?" Blade had asked after noticing his lack of response to Angel's comment.

"Yea exactly, we'll keep you safe, mate. You can stay here for as long as needed, Corpse's people aren't something you should take lightly."

Tommy remained quiet, hoping that his attitude gave them an idea about his current mood, which, for the record, was anything but good. The heroes had focused on the idea of Corpse's people stalking him despite the teen never having confirmed those allegations, he kept a mental track of what he told the heroes, always careful with his wording and reactions. They were welcome to think that, in case of all of this backfiring, he could easily say he never lied to them and they'd have nothing over him (as long as they didn't find out about his nightly hobby). So far, all they knew was that an individual was following him, which technically wasn't even a lie since the heroes were very much on his, no, Theseus' trail. Theseus who was Tommy. And their assumptions about the individual being powered weren't wrong either but he'd never admit that.

Angel and Charlie kept theorising, the winged hero continuously stressing that the blonde teen was safe here and that he could open up to them about any kind of abuse ("we know about your parents' absence, mate, if they've ever done more than neglecting you we can also help you with that") which Tommy kept brushing off. He wasn't a victim of abuse, not anymore at least. The Blade had kept quiet, eyes lingering on the teen the entire time, only chuffing or grunting in response, it was a little unnerving knowing that the most observant hero of the entire corporation had his eyes on him, but Tommy was a big man.

He had handled far worse than some brute staring at him, so naturally, he began a staring contest. Intimidation tactics and all that.

There was just one flaw in his logic, Tommy couldn't see the hero's eyes and therefore didn't know when he blinked. Tuning out the conversation between the two other men and the fussing of the winged hero, he held the Blade's gaze, eyes firmly placed on where the Blade's would be. They stayed like that for a couple of seconds, maybe longer, Tommy was too focused on not blinking. Blade let out an amused huff, already having figured out what was going on and tilted his head to the side, gaze still fixated on the boy. Tommy mirrored him and he could swear the huff the hero let out at his antics was a covered-up laugh, was this all just a game to him? Was he entertainment to him?

"What're you looking at, bitch?"

"Nothing nothing," the hero mused, Tommy could practically hear his smile. That prick.

"You're ugly."

"Sure, Tommy."

"I don't like your face."

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