Chapter five

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After the heroes had left the room the doctor and the small nurse had talked to Tommy some more, mainly trying to convince him into allowing them to test his blood regardless of the reaction they had witnessed before. However, they were quick to drop the topic after the variety of insults the blonde teen threw at the young nurse's head and the small hiss he let out whenever they stepped up to him. It seemed like the people in Logstedshire had yet to learn some manners, especially regarding boundaries and the simple rule everyone (or apparently almost everyone) was taught at a very young age: no means no.

Eventually, they left the room as well, right after the nurse had put some kind of ointment on his bruise and wrapped his leg up in bandages. She had also pressed a bottle with a pink glowing liquid in his hand, "Healing potion" she had said before leaving him alone in the room once again. Neither of them had said anything about when he'd be discharged or what further measurements they'd have to take in order for him to heal. The only thing they did tell him was that they'd be back once the emergencies were dealt with, whatever that meant. Tommy was bored out of his mind and since they had said nothing about staying in bed he swung his legs off the bed and carefully stood up, focusing on balancing the majority of his weight on his healthy leg. The pain medication must still have had an effect on him since he only felt the nausea hit him once he shifted more weight on the bruised leg, not the pain he should've felt however. With the potion still clutched in his bandaged hand he carefully limped over to the window to find that the room he had been staying at was on the ground floor. He pursed his lips, looking down he noticed the ripped sweatpants and the lack of clothes. He could totally make a run for it, they had healed him enough and the potion could be stored for emergencies. But this was Logstedshire and the blonde teen had no clue where he was, not to mention how he'd manage to get home or even just back to L'Manberg.

Blue eyes flickered over the room, looking for anything useful that could help his escape. It was irrational to leave the hospital, especially since his condition had been anything but stable. Sure, they had healed the worst injuries and basically drugged him to the point of his mind removing the conscious filter when he talked but once the pain medication wore off the pain would hit him full force and he was sure the illness would bother him some more as well. His eyes locked on a small white closet, limping over to it and opening it he found a royal blue shirt and a couple of trousers in the same colour, likely the uniforms for the medical staff working in this hospital. For a moment he considered just closing the door again and limping back to his bed and resting some more but the staff seemed very adamant on testing his blood and he'd rather not have everyone find out what kind of monster they had made him to be.

The decision was made in an instant, grabbing one of the shirts he quickly slipped them over his head, hissing slightly as the fabric tangled up with the now fully grey bandages on his hand. He'd have to find a new pair of gloves somewhere or at least rebandage it at home so as to not draw any more attention to it. Angel had already noticed it, why the winged hero hadn't asked any questions about it was beyond him but he silently thanked the god watching him for allowing him to get away with it. Grabbing a pair of trousers he limped over to the bed he had previously been sitting on, carefully removing the torn sweatpants before slipping on the blue trousers.

Tommy then carefully got up and his gaze wandered to the window once again, it was still dark outside, street lamps barely illuminating the street the building was facing. This was Logstedshire, not just the border but the city with the highest criminal activity within the Essempi. Going out in the dark was an open invitation for people to mug or stab you and while the blonde teen was perfectly capable of defending himself even in his current situation he couldn't help but wonder if leaving really was the best decision right now.

Outside of the hospital he'd probably get mugged or experience any kind of crime but there was a small chance of him getting home unharmed.

Inside he'd be interrogated about those people who had 'beat him up', likely by the heroes and he'd have to deal with the medical staff. Inside he'd have to eventually try and find bandages to cover his hands again, glove and old bandages already crumbling away. Inside he'd have to explain why he was jumpy at all times and would eventually be forced to let them do a blood test once they found out he was a minor and an orphan, someone would take guardianship over him and his voice wouldn't matter in that fact anymore. And then they'd find out what kind of monster he truly was and what cases his ability was linked to.

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