chapter 14 🥺💋

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She just told me she needs to process things when she gave me the whole heart ache . She is looking so pretty smiling and her cheeks were all red .she never puts toons of makeup like other girls but she can beat all of them .
Now this shade of red is now my favourite colour. But I wanna hug her for longer

" seems like you just gave me a hug for the video" I said breaking the whole silence

" I don't think what to do next so I just hugged you " she turned towards me.

" well that's rude " I pouted at her

She laughed " I wanna make the video more better but I don't have any idea what to do So I just hug you it's cute "

" right now you were so pretty snow " I said

She laughted harder " but I also want that video " she took her phone out of here pocket " share it to me " then I take a look and she saved my name as dusty .

" why you saved my name as dusty " I look at her phone then back to her face

" you remindes me of trash can and dustbin is a other name for trash can but I am good enough for not saving anybody contact as dust bin or trash can so I replaced with dusty "

" thanks for your kindness " I bow my head down in front of her

She laughed " you know I am good at chemistry but unable to explain this reaction between us "

She layed on my lap I don't know why she is doing this today but my girl can do anything with me. It's just my dirty mind who is not oky with this.

" just except the fact that you like me first " I started at her face

" it's doesn't matter you confess to me first " she laughed " and told you sister is the biggest idot in this whole world she didn't have comman sense "

I laughed and pretend to make a serious face " but she is you best friend for your whole life "

" that' s the reason I trust her and told her to set a blind date for me. And she set me up with the biggest jerk "

I laughed " but at the end of the day you got me isn't is good enough for you "

" yaa its like I refuse to cut myself with scissors and choose knife "

" I know you like more difficult things "

She laughed and god she is looking so pretty we talk about for a hrs and at 3 we left for our homes .today ride is different because she is my girl friend now not just my little sister best friend.

I park my bike so I can walk her into her gate

" don't you wanna invite your boy friend inside when you were home alone " I smiled at her we were both standing in front of her gate

" I obviously invite my boy friend inside if it
Wasn't you " she laughs and stares into my eyes her face looks much more attractive then ever like she wants something but it's not appropriate

I put my one hand in the side of the walls and she took her step back but blocked by wall
" from now don't think about other man"

She made an expression less face " or what would you do " I can't take it anymore her lips were looking all glossy and now I wanna taste them if she doesn't want it she protest and I leave her alone .when she hit her back by wall

I put my another hand in her wrist and crash my lips into her she close her eyes I can see I move my lips little to taste her lips and its all cold sweet like snow I run my hands around her hand to wrap her wrist pull her close and grab her chin but as my hand touch her arm. I could feel her protest but there was no going when she was shy so I tightened my grab she then started to protest physically I could see tears begin to fall from her eyes and she pushed me away from her using all her strength. I could see panic in her eyes and her body she turned back to get inside her house. " snow what happened "

" just get out liel. Don't ever try to touch me without my permission " I could see her tears streamed down her eye as she run into her house. I wanna stop her but. I leave her in her own.

I can't understand what she was thinking or why so I suddenly reacted like this she doesn't say anything when it began what suddenly happened to her. She is making me worry but I do as she says " just get out "

Brainstorm 💙Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora