chapter 7🔗

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  Black sarf of AELIA🥺💙

  Black sarf of AELIA🥺💙

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Pov liel(⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠)⁠ 

I thought this blackmail is never gonna work for her but thanks for her little brother who taught me her little screat from her childhood .

After waiting for some minutes. She finally come outside her house . I don't wanna blackmail her either wanna bother her at this time but i can't compressed my feeling for her forever  . I can't lie to my self anymore that I am not attracted towards her .she is so pure and inocent even her presence has a effect on me I really feel bad about being caught with a girl that day but this is what I am and I can't do anything about this. I never had any feeling for anyone I dated or sleep with and I don't wanna

hurt anyone feeling by staying longer without any attachment.

After few steps she finally come into my vision and she is wearing black night dress with black and grey lv scarf. That's why she is different from everyone any girl never wear pajamas for going out with a hot boy like me. I always saw girls begs for my attention and here she is always ingoring me.

"hy plzz don't make any louder noises. I don't wanna make my parents awake" she says in her sweet voice. The word. Come out so slowly they barely make their way to my ear .

I smirk handing her a helmet "take a seat behind me"

She put the helmet on" where are you going to take me"

I replied "  I would rather end my own life than do something that hurt you. Just sit quietly for few minutes and hold me tightly" she awkwardly grab my shirt and her hand tough my stomach instead of thin piece of fabric her touch still feels like a internity. Her small touch have this effect on me. Now I wanna make her feel same.

After a few minutes of riding I stopped near a small lake and careful park it   took her to the small bench so we could both sit .

"can you hear the sound of water"I said in a low voice .

"ya it is so peaceful. I never had this kind of experience sitting in the front of the lake hearing the sound of water watching a sky full of stars. There is only a lack of one novel and I can spend many years like that " her face shines in the moon light and her every word feels like snow falling on earth. I can hear her like this for so many years as possible .

" Why do you always read novels " I ask her

She turned her face towards me " because it gave me calmness .I enjoy reading more than anything.  Reading just take me into another world .where everything is imperfectly perfect. I forget all the dilemmas all the problems all the tension I have in my mind. I can't explain how it feel "

" then when I take you her next time brought one with you " I smiled at her

" there is never any next time" she turned her face .

" did you really rub jam over your butt so you can look like a monkey " I laugh

"shut up. I was only 4 years back then and I thought if I looked like them. I also gain the ability of climbing trees like them and you are not gonna tell anyone about that " she gave me a death stare

" only if you obey me" I smirk at her

" I am not gonna do this shit. over and over again "  she replied

" it's my first time hearing these words from you and you don't like this place and everything " I looked at her .

She shifts her gaze  " I like this place but I can't escape from my house every night I know nobody feels disappointed at me because they wanna take me this kind of experience but it's against my ideals I am not this kind of person and I  kkno these  words and like I just feel wrong and embarrassed to use them "

" your family wanna you take experience like this " I asked

" yes my father is a producer and director and I am the apple of his eyes and he never mind me doing things this normal teenager likes partying.  And my mom is also an open minded lady she always encourages me and respects my decisions. Sometimes she gets really worried about me not doing things like a normal teenager. She thought I was being bullied or something that was why I was being like that but I just didn't feel like doing these things  .I have so many friends  .I don't like having relationships and I think parties are noisy "she ended her sentence.

"So It's true that you have never been in a relationship  " I shift my gaze from her

" no" she said softly

" So you've never been kissed" I ask her  . I feel she is not gonna answer that question but

She surprised me by saying" No  . I have never been in a relationship and I never wanna kiss a random boy "

Her eyes meet mine and heat flows through my body by only making eye contact " you kissed a lot of girls .so what kiss feels like "

" it's a warm sensation and an unexplainable feeling. But I never find someone whose mouth feels like I never wanna break that kiss.  I never meet someone whom I wanna be my forever " I admit

"that' s why you slept with half the population of this town " she similes and her smile was soo warm after so many years so saw her smile

"I just never found my forever " I searched for something in my pocket and took out dark chocolates and handed her.

" what if you mix poison in it " She makes a serious face

" pushing you into this lake is much better than feeding you poisoned chocolate " I raised my brow.

She smiled and started eating the chocolate and to my surprise she also fed me. One piece and her hand touch my lips and I could feel her cheeks grow red but her touch. It is soft towards my skin and the urge to taste her mouth increases suddenly.

I break the silence by asking her"why do you always wear this sun necklace "

" when I am 7 .I ask my grandma about love and why she and my mother have to choose a man to spend their whole life .then she explains to me about love that special feeling towards one person and then she gifted me this she explains this necklace is given by my grandfather to her as a sign of his love towards her and when I grew older and I tell her about my feelings towards relationships. She said one day I am also gonna find my true love and I have to gave this to him as a symbol of our love. You can say the day I experience true love towards someone I am gonna stop wearing it "  she said making soft eyes 

" that osm " and I found she is sleepy We spent 3 hrs here .

" how about we grew a little friendship and I bury your little secret here " her face lit up

" Okay.  That sounds good "

After that conversation I got her back to her house and when she left I

I found she forgot her lv scarf with me .I took a photo of it to send her .with a note

Me- have a good night snow. Tomorrow is the first day of our friendship ❤️

I hope you. Are liking this plzz drop some comments reading them makes me feel good and English is not my first language so if there 's any mistake plzz tell me about it💕💕

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