They laughed they chilled and went through most of the day chilling their free time came around Heaven and zion went to the library in the back zion sat down and Heaven sat on his lap he put his arms around her and put his head in her neck kissing it a few times and rested his head on her chest kissing them too

Heaven-"thats new"

He chuckled a little she smiled and put her hand on his head massaging it some time passed Zions phone started ringing

Zion-"oh my fucking god"

Heaven-"stop it answer the phone"

He smacked his teeth then sat up taking his phone and answered

Zion-"how did u get mommy's phone"

She giggled and babbled

Y-*groans babe I can't find my phone!!

Ziom shook his head

Zion-"u bad"

Zay-"does princess have it"

Y-"idk I left it- ofc she has it Zaza come to mommy"

Zara-*babbles loudly

Yn found her and sighed zion laughed

Y-"really u know he busy"

Zion-"hey sis"

Y-"hey boo"

Zay-*small gasp theres daddy's baby hi mama

She giggled and babbled reaching for him dropping yns phone she caught it zay took her from yn

Zay-"oh after school can u pick up my packages"

He said as Zara kissed/slobbered on his cheek

Zion-"yeah send them to me"

Zay-"ard thank- ouch!! Dammit pull my hair again"

She giggled and babbled zion laughed

Zion-"I told u"

Zay-"im not talking to u bye"

Y-*laughs bye ziom

Heaven-"bye byes"

Zara screamed snaching the phone for Heaven they laughed Zara babbled to her

Heaven-"I know sugar they don't get it do they"

She shook her head zays jaw dropped they laughed

Heaven-"I gotta go mama ok"

Zara put her hand up and opened and closed it

Heaven-"otay bye byes"

She hung up

Heaven-"she so cute"


He put his head back in her chest

Heaven-"is that your new spot now"

He shrugged

Heaven-"we got 5 minutes"

He groaned

Heaven-"I know bookie come on"

Zion-"oh my mf god"

Heaven-"like u not bout to be at my house come on"

She pulled him up getting up he got up and put his arms out for her she walked back to him he slid his arms around her putting his head in her neck and kissing on it

Heaven-"u know better"

She pushed him out her neck he bit his lip and lifted her head kissing on her lips


She pulled his arms off of her

Heaven-"we gotta go baby boy"

Zion-"u won't even kiss me"

Heaven-"I kissed u plenty of times"

Zion-"not for my liking"

He went to put his arms back around her she grabbed his wrists

Zion-"mch bae I just want a kiss"

Heaven-"no u don't look at u drooling"

Zion-"I cant help it u look so delicious I just wanna bite u"

He moved his hands

Heaven-"no biting we talked about that"

Zion-"I think u liked it "

She put ber hands on her hips he laughed

Zion-"I just want a kiss ill keep my hands right here"

He put his hands behind his back and leaned for a kiss she put her hands on his arms making sure he stayed and he did she kissed him a few times he slowly eased his hands down at his sides then grabbed her ass slapping it hard she gasped with a little moan he chuckled


Zion-"who tf is that my name daddy"

She giggled he kissed her more

Heaven-"stop it nasty"

He kissed her a few more times


He looked up

Zion-"yes mind ya buisness"

Heaven-"we have to go anyway"

Zion-"mch 5 minutes won't hurt nobody"

Naomi-"its hurting my eyeballs"

Zion-"close em"

He kept kissing Heaven

Naomi-"p kaayyy-"

Zion-"ouu I hate u"

He grabbed heavens arm and dragged her out Heaven laughed they went to class

Zion-"u go first"

He pushed heaven in front of him


Zion-"that lady is in there"

Heaven-"what lady"

Zion-"the weird one"

Heaven-"u call a lot of ladies that's not me weird"

Heaven-"I do not"

??-"hey mimi"

Heaven-"hey girly"

She hugged her and kept going

Zion-"shes weird"

Heaven hit him


Heaven-"its not that serious"

She went in the class be followed her with his head down and sat behind her

Ziom-"come closer so she won't see me"

Naomi-"zion your fine"

He smiled

Zion-"tank u"


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