"low-hanging fruit, bro. don't pretend you don't notice," JJ pointed to his eyes, "i see it in your eyes and your like 'i kinda like that' then you start blushing and shit."

"i blush?" John B raised an eyebrow and JJ nodded before looking at Bambi.

"what's the matter?" JJ asked, focusing on the girl who was trying her hardest to not swerve off the road, her hand was gripping the wheel so hard that her knuckle had turned white.

"i'm driving a van that steers on its own, i was forced out of the comfort of my own room and i'm doing something to try and get answers about someone i do not like, that's what the matter is JJ."

Bambi watched John B roll his eyes through the rearview mirror and returned it with a scowl. she was not very happy with John B at the moment.

"yeah, i gotta admit, your father's compass in scooters boat, that's freaky." the blonde admitted.

JJ reached in the middle of his and Bambi's seat and as he began to pick it up out of the cup holder, John B was quick to stop him.

"hey, don't-"

"i was just looking at it." JJ pulled away and held the compass in his hands as he eyed it down carefully before trying to hand it to Bambi.

"J, i don't even want to look at it, never mind hold it. that things probably cursed and it could also have dads fingerprints on it." Bambi sighed, pushing his hand away.

"look, JJ. that's why we're going to talk to Ms. Lana, figure this whole thing out." John B told the plan, making his twin sister scoff.

"i'm going to be talking to Ms. Lana."

"i'm sure she would just love to talk to us, it's not like her husband just drowned or anything." JJ sarcastically drawled, leaning back into his seat.

Bambi had seen Ms. Lana around a couple of times, she was a local and everyone knew everyone, also meaning they knew where they lived or stayed.

Bambi parked the car perfectly on the grass and the three of them got out of the car and began walking towards the coloured house.

John B had gone over the plan so many times that Bambi was sure she was going to sleep talk it the following night and even though he probably thought the plan through thoroughly, she was going to say whatever came to mind.

"you know what this house looks like?" John B asked, looking at all the different colours that the house was painted in.

"whoever lives here smokes too much weed," JJ answered, Bambi, agreeing with him.

the trio walked closer towards the house and before they could get any closer, loud bangs and the sound of shattered glass emerged.

Bambi bit her lip and worry began taking over her stomach, they already nearly met death yesterday and she didn't want to meet it again.

"maybe we should come back." JJ's voice was high, telling Bambi that whatever was going on inside that house, he didn't want to be a part of it.

John B was quick to shut him up, "no, no, shut up. shut up, JJ."

"JB i think it's a little too soon." Bambi breathed out, squeezing her hands together to try and calm her nerves down.

𝐛𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐢 // 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐱 𝐎𝐂حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن