"I don't want to go there" Xiao Zhan pouts

"Are you going to let Yibo's hard work go to waste if you let it go it's like you're letting his legacy disappear" Cangse shakes his head "I didn't raise you like this Zhan you have to go there tomorrow and make your presence known you have to make them pay for the years of disrespect they gave to the two of you make them pay"

"Mom" Xiao Zhan looks at her with a blank stare

"Okay I am sorry that you have to let this poor mother of yours have dreams too" She dusts off the imaginary dust from the throw pillows

One year later

"Don't you want to take a break from that thing?" Xiao Zhan asks from the kitchen.

"No" Bina shouts back

"Why are you so fixated on trying to play it" Xiao Zhan places the fruits on the table.

"Bobo played it" Bina mutters "I want to try it too"

"We are going to his house tomorrow to clean it And to pay our respects" Xiao Zhan sighs "It's time we do so"

"If I learn the song I'll play it tomorrow to pay our respects" Bina bites his lips to focus on playing the Guqin.

"I have never heard him play anything on this one" Xiao Zhan's hand grazes the Guqin "It feels old"

"It's a family heirloom" Bina answers.

Xiao Zhan aahs leaning back in the chair enjoying Bina plucking a few wrong notes. "I used to play an instrument too"

"You did" Bina stops midway

"Mn" Xiao Zhan nods

"What instrument," Bina asks

"Flute, I even got invited to shows and stuff but I had to focus on being a doctor" Xiao Zhan leans to the right to see Bina. "I am glad I had parents who supported my endeavors"

"Are you gonna support my endeavors?" Bina curls himself beside him.

"Anything you do I will support you as long as you are not being a clown" Xiao Zhan pinches his nose.

The next day Xiao Zhan and Bina got ready to go clean out Yibo's place and to honor Yibo since it has been nearly a year since his funeral. They had spent the day before going around buying stuff Yibo liked or enjoyed. Yibo's family (his brother and father were going to be there) Yibo's friends too were coming and Xiao Zhan too, it was going to be a long day.

"Ready" Xiao Zhan asked Bina once they packed

"Mn" Bina nods, looking around the compound, it being the first time he's ever been there.

"Okay" Xiao Zhan ruffles his hair as he opens the trunk

They were an hour or two early to prepare everything as the others joined them.

"Are you excited to play in front of the others?" Xiao zhan asks as he opens the door

"No" Bina shakes his head no

"Why you have practiced for so long, you're ready for this" Xiao Zhan opens the door looking around the entryway and seeing neatly stacked shoes "Shh" Xiao Zhan places the products down "Stay there" He stops Bina from following him "If I don't call you inside in a minute call your grandfather" he gives Bina his phone.

Xiao Zhan treads carefully inside the house picking up the lamp that he had always complained to Yibo to have it removed it. "Hello" He calls out looking around ready to hit in case anyone or something jumps out. "You're trespassing on private property"

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