Stay the Night - Shinkami sicfic

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For @Zezo3412  sorry I was such a mess taking this request

"FBI, OPEN UP." Denki Kaminari called, banging a fist against a yellow apartment door.

Immediately, the Aizawa family's front door swung open, an annoyed expression promptly greeting the blond.

"Kaminari! I swear, you have got to stop doing that whenever you come over." A lanky, purple haired teen stood in the doorway, pinching the bridge of his nose, pale skin almost vibrant against deep eye bags.

"Would you prefer rooooom serrrvicccce?"

"Oh my g— just come in." Shinso sighed, dragging him in by the wrist, hastily shutting the door to keep him from disturbing the neighbors any more than he already had.

"Hi, Denki." A flat voice called from the kitchen, Shota Aizawa poking his head around the corner, spatula in hand to say hello.

"Hey, what's cookin'?" Kicking off his shoes the blond made a beeline for the kitchen, promptly redirected but his friend.

"Good to see you, kid." Aizawa called, effortlessly flipping a pancake as Denki was dragged to the depths of the hallway.

"This way, dumbass." Shinso grumbled, leading his friend by the back of his shirt collar down the hallway.

"We don't say that word in this house!!" Aizawa called, being promptly ignored by his son.

"Hi dumbass!" Eri chirped nonchalantly as she passed the two on her way down the hall, her favorite triceratops plush in hand.

"Shinso! That is exactly why!" His dad yelled, poking his very angry face around the corner and intercepting the young girl in his arms. "Eri, honey, we do not say that."

Shinso rolled his eyes, his idiot friend unable to stop himself from laughing even when they were behind the closed door of Shinso's room.

"It wasn't that funny." Side-eyeing his still laughing friend, Shinso plopped down on a beanbag, arms crossed judgmentally.

"Yeah," Denki snorted. "Yeah, it actually was."

"Just shut it Pikachu." Hitoshi groaned, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, what was so important you had to come over right away?"

"Ohhhh, yeah I almost forgot!" Electric yellow eyes lit up, and he dove into his backpack, retrieving a Pikachu-themed Nintendo Switch and impatiently waiting for it to turn on.

"I got a new dude on SmashBros!! Well actually o guess it's not a dude, I got Palutena, but still!!" He yipped, clicking open the game and getting through the intro bits.

"Oh, sick," Shinso said, peering over his friend's shoulder. "Eri loves to play as her. It's usually that, Princess peach or Isabella."

"Wait she knows how to play?!"

"Not really, sometimes I beat her when I'm trying to lose, but she l does her best." He shrugged, accepting one of the switch controls and clicking it on.

They picked their characters and Denki started up a round— himself as Pikachu, Shinso as Yoshi. The game predictably turned into an evening-long tournament that Shinso had won despite the close point totals. The game only concluding when Aizawa called for dinner. Well, technically it was dinner but they were having breakfast for the meal. Breakfast for dinner, milk and cookies for dessert— and both were quite delicious.

Eri begged them to play CandyLand after dinner and they indulged her just for the fun of it before heading back to Shinso's room to watch YouTube and other such nonsense.

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