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(lots of dialogue)

January. Another month gone. The time flew by and we're almost in February again. Stretching myself, I stood up from the chair and put my plate and cup in the sink.

Kai was back at his own home but most of the time he spent here with me and Brahms, who was sleeping since it was the middle of the night.

Even now, my nightmares are draining me, they are hunting me everywhere and it slowly starts to get worse. I wasn't able to get my medication because of the holidays and because the traffic was so horrific that I couldn't drive and I didn't want to walk. I have no idea how Kai walks from town to here every day he comes by.

After going back upstairs, I sat on the ground in front of my bed. Back when I went to therapy, one of the many different people I've talked to told me I should meditate sometimes, it helps with the nightmares, so let's try it out again.

Breathing in and out, I closed my eyes and crossed my legs on the ground. I tried to focus on the breathing and on my body. The noises were slowly leaving after a while.. my body felt heavy and then I fell asleep.

Bright light was blinding me when it suddenly shuts off again and I gasped surprised. What the hell?

Confused, I looked around and felt eyes lying on me. Somewhere was someone and they were watching me. I tried to regulate my breath and looked around in the darkness.

"Well, what a surprise.." Someone said, their voice dark, yet I knew who it was.

Two eyes opened a few meters away from me, like knives, they were sharp and dangerous looking at me.

"A wonder you showed up again. I guess somebody liked me enough to allow me to come back." They hissed. I hissed.

My eyes widened as the other me walked up to me, their hands folded behind their back. They had short hair, one side was shaved off, the other was a bit longer and there was a piercing sparkling along their lips and their eyebrow.

"I thought I locked you out." I whispered and followed with my eyes as they walked around me.

Their hand grabbed my throat from behind and they shoved my head. I grunted in pain and looked into my own dark eyes.

"Brahms was nice enough to let me out." They hissed while twirling a hair strand of mine with their other hand.

"You know, I've waited years for you to come back, so I could take back my light. You took my body away." Letting go of me, they walked around and my other me placed themselves in front of me.

"I didn't take anything, I was protecting you from the shit you wanted to do." I hissed and tried to stand up but my hands were cuffed to the chair and my legs too.

"Shit? That wasn't shit, it was necessary for our survival, bitch." Other me rolled their eyes and scoffed as they crossed their arms and leaned back to fall into a chair.

The place wasn't really dark anymore, I could see myself clearly, yet not perfectly as if I was looking into water that had stopped moving.

My eyes were scanning the place again, and I was back home. In my old room. Am I in therapy or so-?

"No, you're not. Geez, you're hypersensitive with your therapy. It's just home." The other me grumbled, I looked back at them, wondering how they'd heard my thoughts.

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