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Hot water was running into the tub. I finally got Brahms to take a bath. Two days have passed after I kind of moved in here for the next week. And Brahms has been out of the walls for quite a while.

"Okay, now you can take off your clothes and go into the tub." I said and looked up at the tall man. He grunted.

"Bath me." He said. I coughed a bit. That came without any hesitation.

"Bath you? I.. I um.. I think you're old enough-" Brahms grabbed my hand and laid it on his chest.

"Bath me." He repeated, interrupting me. I nodded quickly and helped him out of his clothes. He took off his underwear and I quickly looked up, closing my eyes.

Water was splashing as he sat into the tub. His knees showing out of the water but his private body parts were covered.

"Okay.." I mumbled to myself and grabbed the shampoo. It was weird washing him but I nodded over and over again, convincing myself it was okay.. he just likes to play games. That's all. He was alone for Twenty years and nobody has touched him- No. Greta was here…

"Hey uh.. I have a question." I started as I rinsed the soap of his really hairy chest. Brahms looked up, his face so close to mine I had to back up.

"Mh?" He made and waited for me to keep talking.

"Well.. what… did you do to Greta?" I carefully started but Brahms turned angry quite fast.

"You don't have to say anything, sorry.. I shouldn't have asked.. sorry.." I stumbled and looked away.

I kept washing him up until I was finished with his upper body.

"You have to wash.. yourself down there.." Brahms nodded as I started carefully making his curly hair wet. He tried to grab my hands but I already understood that he was scared water would come under the mask, so I was very careful. 

"I'm careful, Brahms, I'm careful." I claimed and kept washing his hair that felt quite nice in my hands. And I kept my eyes on them.

I rinsed the shampoo out of his hair and told him he could step out after I handed him a towel and turned around. Brahms wrapped it around his waist and looked at me.

"Fresh clothes?" I asked, he nodded. I smiled slightly and grabbed a shirt. He put his hands through the holes and slipped in. His eyes met mine. He tilted his head, making me all nervous again.

"Stop it.." I mumbled and turned to get the pants but Brahms grabbed my arm and turned me around to him.

"Stop what?" He asked with a deep voice being way too close to me. I tried to stay calm but I felt my heart pounding against my chest.. so fucking loud.

"Stop the staring.. please, it's making me nervous." I whispered with a trembling breath. A small chuckle left Brahms' mouth.

"I'm making you nervous?" He asked, his hand slowly laying on my waist with the other he still held my arm.

"Brahms.." I breathed out, locking my eyes with his. My hands started to shake slightly and I ripped my hand out of his and stepped away from him.

"Get yourself clothed, I'll go downstairs and make breakfast." I said in a fake confident voice. Brahms looked surprised at me but nodded and grabbed the pants as I left the bathroom.

I leaned against the wall the moment he couldn't see me anymore and held my head in my hands, rubbing over my face then. After a short moment of calming myself, I walked to the kitchen.

Tag, You're It: Better Run - [Brahms Heelshire Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now