❀ Chapter Seventeen- The Cream-Colored Sweater ❀

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Warnings: swearing, mention of murder, illness, etc.

"Boys! Have any of you seen Namjoon anywhere?!"

Hoseok burst through the door of the apartment across his, followed by Jungkook and a really annoyed Yoongi, who looked like he was about to kill Hoseok for interrupting his sleeping session and dragging him along with him.

He found both Taehyung and Jimin lying sprawled out on different couches in the living room, looking like they could do with some sleep. It was still raining hard outside, and it was 9: 00 pm. Those who were stuck outside had finally returned, but unlike Taehyung and Jimin, both of whom looked simply traumatized by the experience, Hoseok was still jumping around with unending energy.

The boy had come back from seeing his grandmother, showed his middle finger to the rain and came home in high spirits. Jungkook was fine too, his strict protective grandfather having seen him off once he was done visiting him.

Overall, Yoongi had the best weekend ever, until Hoseok decided to pounce on him in his sleep and drag him here to look for Namjoon, whose whereabouts were unknown and his phone left back, before the sleepy guy could even react.

"Yahhh, where's Namjoon?" Hoseok asked again, Jimin and Taehyung still lying in their places like two live corpses.

"No clue," Taehyung replied with a sigh. "He's supposed to be staying home and working, isn't he?"

"No, he's not home and he left his phone," Jungkook replied, looking worried as he plopped down right on top of Taehyung.

"Yah, get your fat ass off of me, you muscle bunny!" Taehyung screeched as Jungkook forgot about his worry for a moment, giggling as he wrestled the smaller boy on the couch.

"Ayo, cut it out, homos," Hoseok sighed, pinching his nose.

"Where's Jin hyung?" Yoongi asked out of the blue, finally realizing the other missing person of the group.

"He's probably stuck in the rain," Jimin said, avoiding the gaze of the feline-eyed with a blush dusting his cheeks, heart racing. "My phone's battery died so I couldn't call him..."

"Mine too," Taehyung grimaced, having finally overpowered Jungkook and forced him off him and sitting next to him now.

Hoseok looked at both of them, clearly flinching. "My phone died too."

"Haha, so had mine," Jungkook snickered, finding the coincidence amusing.

Everyone then looked at Yoongi, as if expecting him to say the same too, but the guy maintained a blank look, shrugging. "And mine had been silent."

Jimin huffed, sitting up as well and making space for Hoseok and Yoongi to sit down. "So, where can the two be? Joon and Jin hyung?"

"Wherever they are, I hope they're at least together."

The boys looked at Yoongi in disbelief, shocked by how his uncharacteristic remark sounded. The Yoongi they knew wouldn't have given a damn even if the aliens came to the world and abducted Namjoon. Or Jin, maybe. And to actually hope the two were together...

"I'm cold but I'm not heartless," Yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes at the visible shock in the rest of their faces. "Of course I'm worried. The roads and streets aren't safe at night after eight anymore in this city. None of you should be alone if you do end up outside after eight. The news I've been reading nowadays... it's horrifying."

"Oh no, we should call Jin hyung and Joon..." Hoseok bit his lip. "But my phone's charging right now."

"Mine too," the maknae line added together, then looking at each other judgementally afterwards.

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