❀ Chapter Twelve- Just The Beginning ❀

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Warnings: swearing, matured language, mention of blood, bullying, etc.

"Umm, what are you doing?" Jimin asked nervously, as Yoongi knelt down in front of him and put down the first-aid kit on the floor beside him.

"Taking care of you," Yoongi said in a 'duh' tone, opening the kit. "Just relax. We can go have lunch afterwards."

"Okay..." Jimin bit his bottom lip, wondering what the other was about to do.

To his horror, Yoongi started rolling up his pant leg and heat rose up to Jimin's cheeks, insecurity kicking in. He tried not to protest though his mind was screaming at him to stop the other. But the other wasn't even harming him. He just needed to treat his knee.

Jimin shifted slightly in his place in discomfort, which the other didn't notice, nor the deep blush on his face. Just as Yoongi had rolled the pant leg over Jimin's shin, insecurity and anxiety took the best of the younger and he let out an embarrassed squeal, kicking his foot out.

Unfortunately, Jimin's foot directly and harshly connected with Yoongi's jaw, making him groan in pain and he was sprawling on the floor the next moment, Jimin staring at him in shock because of his own action.

"T-the fuck?" Yoongi gasped out, grimacing as he rubbed his now bruising face as he looked up at Jimin.

The younger gulped thickly as he was met with the older's intense stare, beginning to freak out even more.

"I'm so sorry!" Jimin babbled out, crossing his arms over his chest. "I didn't mean to do it- please, don't be mad!"

Yoongi simply scoffed, not showing any sign that his chest hurt when he saw the fear in the other's eyes. Because of him.

"Stop overthinking, kid," he spoke with an eyeroll, trying to ignore how the side of his face throbbed as he went back to his old position. He could see Jimin burning holes into his soul with his wide brown eyes.

"I swear I didn't mean to kick you like that," Jimin went on, still scared a little. "I'm so so-"

He was quietened by a long white forefinger over his lips. Yoongi's.

"Shh, I said that it's not your fault," Yoongi said sternly, staring into the other's eyes, trying not to get lost in them. "It was just a reflex. You should've told me you were uncomfortable."


"Stop saying that." Yoongi sighed. "You know what? Let's make a deal. Everytime you say sorry, you gotta buy me free food. Okay?"

Jimin found himself giggling a little at this. "Umm, okay."

He's got a beautiful laugh, Yoongi thought as he kneeled in front of Jimin again.

"Now, I'm gonna pull the pant leg up to your knee," Yoongi explained, looking up at the other. "Try not to feel uncomfortable, okay? I just want to take care of you."

Once he saw Jimin nod and sit back, Yoongi got to work, rolling the pant leg up again as the younger watched with anticipation and his face flushed. But once the leg was rolled up just under his knee, it wouldn't go up anymore. Yoongi sighed and tried to pull it up, but stopped when Jimin winced.

Yoongi took a moment to think before saying, "You need to take your pants off." As if it wasn't a big deal.

"W-WHAT?" Jimin yelled in shock, sitting back so that his shoulders touched the wall behind. His face was the deepest shade of crimson. If it wasn't already.

It was the younger's reaction that made Yoongi realize what he just said. Though he felt like bashing his head against the wall, he swallowed hard and tried to act chill, unbothered.

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