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"Hon? This is Ed Warren, he's gonna help you." Liam introduces the timid girl to Ed.

"I don't think she'll talk to you. She never does." Catherine states quietly. She covers her ears and looks around, eyes widening." They're talking to me again. I-I'm killing the baby! I'M A MURDERER!" She goes into another small panic attack. Liam grabs the woman, comforting her. "It's okay, you're okay. You're not thinking clear hon." Liam flashes an apologetic smile towards Ed and he smiles. "Why don't you go get some fresh air, Catherine? It must be overwhelming to stay in here all day." Catherine shivers as they walk off.

Ed clears his head. This spirit was evil and ruthless. It was not getting between him and his family. Reluctantly, he opens the door to the pink room. But couldn't see anything, it was dark and cold. He starts the recorder.

"Hi. I'm Ed ...who might you be?"

No response.

She stares into the distance, cornering herself.

"I heard that you had some nightmares about your baby brother before this happened, can you tell me about it? How'd it make you feel?"


"I have a daughter who's just about your age. She was so excited when she found out my wife was having an another baby. I know she'd be scared for her baby sibling too if she had nightmares like yours.

But, it would help her to talk it out with someone instead holding it in." Ed studies the girl as she moves sluggishly, but stays silent.

A beat passes before she speaks."My baby brother was dead." She says quietly, startling Ed." Pardon?" He asks.

" My baby brother was dead in my dream. She killed him. She watched him die, and she didn't help him. She was going to kill me if I told and she...hit me."

"But then this lady...she was a really pretty woman...she was nice to me and made me feel safer." She explained." What did this woman look like?" He asks. "She had brown hair... soft hair. She had beautiful eyes, they were blue. She was wearing a white dress. I thought she was happy, but she started crying. I think she was crying out for her son...but he's already dead. He's been there for a while." She says, her voice trembling as Ed's smile fades. This sounds so familiar, like he knows who she's talking about.

" What was the name she was calling out for? Anything specific?" He asks. His heart beating louder than a drum." Arthur." She replies and his heart drops."What about the woman? What's her name?" The girl shrugs, oblivious to the panic in Ed's voice.

" I don't know, but she talks about you a lot. At least I think it's you." She stared at Ed. There's no way, there really isn't. No... Lorraine was not on this case. She was at home safely with Judy. The baby's safe too... she had to be. Not only did this girl see Lorraine, she saw their deceased son. She's never met Ed until now. His stomach turns uncomfortably, the room spun.

This can not be good. He needs to tell Lorraine.

"Ed? Is there something wrong?" Drew asked, studying his frantic movements." Nothing. I just need to think." Ed walks out the house, contemplating whether or not he should call his wife. Ultimately, he decides that the stress of the baby and him being gone is enough for her. He'll check up on her later.

It's been a couple of days since the young girl told Ed about their own late son. This can't be. He should've listened to Lorraine. Something could happen to his family. She doesn't know them, how can she know that they lost a baby? Ed quickly turned his head when a screech erupted from in the house. "What's going on?" Ed pushes the door open.

" She just started to growl I don't know why!" Liam studies his wife, looking for her sweet face. Their daughter makes her way downstairs, screaming as the force pulls her by her hair towards her mom. Panicked screams echo as the young girl's neck is now captured by her mom's hands." Mommy!" She girl screams, putting a sad attempt in to push her hands away. Ed thinks quickly, sprinkling holy water on the woman.

" Get father Gordon in here right now!" Ed yells. Father Gordon runs into the room. Catherine turns her head to him, holding the girl in the air. "Put her down!" Liam chimes in. "Don't talk to the spirit, it's angry!" Liam quickly slammed to the floor, leaving Ed in her pathway. She jumps on him, pinning him to the ground

" I could kill your baby and daughter just like that. And you won't be able to help her when the blood flows out her system. I'll do the same thing to his wife too. All of your babies are dead if you don't  get out of my way and let me sacrifice this child." She smiles evilly.

"You don't want to do this, you're hurt. This isn't going to get you anywhere if you're letting the hurt control you. That isn't good. Please, just put her down." The young girl is dropped to the floor, crawling towards Liam." It's okay Allie. I got you." Liam cradles the shaking girl.
Ed makes a run for the landline on the kitchen table.
"Hello?" Lorraine answers calmly.
"Get inside of the Perrons house now." Ed orders.

"What, why? What's going on?" Her voice hitches up to a breathy tone. "Just get inside, please hon. You don't need to be out right now it's not safe. I left you a bottle of holy water and a crucifix in your luggage. Use it on everyone I'm the house."

"Ed what-"

"Please just trust me. I need you and Judy to be okay. I know that you won't, but don't take off you rosemary for any reason. I love you, baby."


There's a scream in the distance before the line disconnects. Visions words flash through Lorraine's mind before she blacks out.


"Marielle please'!"

"Stay away from my wife!"

"I'll kill you and your baby"

"Mommy tried to kill him"


"Don't touch my wife!"



A thud hits the wooden floor, alarming the Perrons. "Lorraine? Roger call someone!"

A/N: LOVELIES WE HAVE CONTENT!!!! This chapter is a little wonky, but bare with me!!! I accidentally deleted this app a couple of months back and could not get back in, but I'm back and ready to finally let Lorraine's two year pregnancy end( yes, it's been that long)
Love ya!

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