say you wont let go.(month 2,week 8)

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**Lorraine's pov they are back from another case*

After being in the hospital for over a week,I finally got to go home. I was glad to know that the baby was healthy. I woke up to Ed still fast asleep with his hand resting carefree on my stomach . I grin because I knew that he had felt me moving. I slowly got up and got dressed. Ed wakes up right after me.

" Oh honey I'm so sorry for waking you up." I apologized but Ed assures me,"Oh no hon you didn't,but im guessing our little one and you are very hungry. I heard you stomach growl and I will fix it!"I chuckled at him."Mama,Daddy!" Judy comes and hugs us both." Hello my beautiful baby sister! I love you!" She says as she smooches my stomach and rubs it.

Even though things were off to a rocky start, Judy seems to be in total love with the baby since the ultrasound."Daddy, can I help you make breakfast for them?" Judy says referring to me and the baby."Of course you can! We gotta hurry, I know they're starving!" All week, Ed and Judy have only been saying things referring to the baby and I. It's the cutest thing ever. Ed comes upstairs to tell the food is ready." Honey I thought you were getting dressed?"

I sigh and say," I was...then it hit me that I'm almost at the point of the pregnacy that arthur didnt make it past." Arthur was the name of our baby boy,who wouldve been our first kid. Sadly, I miscarried with him. I still cant believe he wouldve been 9 years old in February. My voice weakens and breaks down ," I just want this to work Ed, we didn't even get to meet or hold him,he was gone in a flash." I cry into Ed's chest once more. I dont know what it is about his chest that makes me feel so safe. Ed instantly knew what I was talking about.

" Oh, honey its okay. I miss Arthur too but I know he would want you to be happy. I have a feeling this will work out for us. Focus on the good,darling. This baby is very special for being the answer to our prayers. Just believe Lorr!" He says as he kisses my forehead,lips,and midsection ." Me and your mama love you very much and cant wait to love and kiss you." Ed says to the baby, looking directly at me.

"Daddy,Breakfast is getting cold!" Ed turns to me and says,"Guess we should go downstairs then!" I smile as we walk downstairs. Ed stops me right before we get to the stairs,and hooks his arm on mine to make sure I dont fall. Gosh I love his charm,but I'm not fragile. He was like this when I was pregnant with Judy. Timid but proctective. I waddle my way over to the table. Being at this table makes me realize the main thing that matters,family. I go upstairs to change,but I stop at the mirror.

Ed wraps his arms around my waist and says,"youre beautiful lorr,did you know that?" He kisses me passionatly.

9:00 pm
After the case,we  started checking on the girls. After our first visit, me and her began to get really close and it has became a beautiful friendship.

9:00pm (phone call with Carolyn perron)

C:Lori?! Hi!!

L: hi carrie! How are you?

C: I'm fine, how's the family?

L: they're good! How are the little troopers and Roger?

C:you know, holding up the fort!


L: Carrie, I have a question....

C: shoot for it!

L: do you mind coming over tomorrow?

C: sure! What's up,hun?

L: oh nothing!! Just want to catch up!

C: ok I'll be over tomorrow! Do you mind if April comes with? She is going to be home with me.

A: hi Mrs Warren!!

L: hey sweetheart! See you tomorrow!

A: okay! I can't wait to hug you!

C: we'll be over at 1,1:10 if packing April's activity bag .

L: can't wait! I'm excited to update you, there is a lot to update you on!

C:ok! Bye.

L: bye.

The next day, 1:08 pm

Lorraine's POV

"Carrie! Hi!" I hug her as she walks into the house. " Hi Raine! How ya been? It's been a second since I have seen you! " she hugs me as she talks."Same old, same old you know!" I respond. "Where's the munchkin at?" I ask. " I'm right here! " I look down and see April hugging my waist. " I gasp excitedly. "Oh April! Hi there!" I pick her up and spin her around, her blonde curls go over her face. "Hi Mrs 'Raine!" She said as she tucks my hair behind my ear. I love that little girl,she has spunk to get that makes her enjoyable and unique.

"Do you guys want anything? A drink? Snack?" I ask . "Just a water for me.April hon,what about you?". April quickly turns her head and says," May I have a ham sandwich and Apple juice please? "I nod and smile. I already knew the answer, it had been the same thing for a year.While I prepared the snack, me and Carrie caught up." was Christine's birthday?" I ask "Oh, it was wonderful! She loved your gift by the way. "I grin.

"Lorr, you have got to go shopping with me! Your oufitt is gorgeous!" I am wearing a ruffled blouse with flare jeans and flats. My hair is in a curly clip ponytail. Little does she know, I probably won't be able to dress like this for a while. "Here you go April!" I slide the plate towards her along with the Apple juice. "So, why did she have to stay from school?" I ask.

"Well... At first, she was sent home because she had a fever,then she was suppose to go to school,but had a fever that magically disappeared under an hour!" She taps April's nose and she giggles. "So,now am I updated?" She jokingly asks." Not quite! Come sit! " I say with a wide smile. They both come and sit next to me.

" Ok so,what is it? " Carrie asks. I just giggles and cover her eyes with my hands as I take the picture out of my purse. "Okay,here!" She lets out a loud gasp. "Lorraine! What- when- WOAH! What?" I nod my head as I laugh.
" Oh my gosh no way! "she hugs me." Are you serious??" "Yes!!I'm pregnant!!" We say there and sobbed for about five minutes sobbing our eyes out. "What's wrong?" April asks. " Don't cry! "she says innocently. "Look!look!" Carolyn hands her the picture . "What is it?" She asks. " a baby ...RAINE'S baby!! " April then gasps and squeals. "A baba !" She exclaims. I hug her tightly. she touches my middle and giggles. As soon as we all contained ourselves ,Carolyn asks, "So... do you know the gender of the little one?" I sigh and rub my stomach. "Nope, nothing yet , but I feel like it's a girl, Judy does too. Ed and my mother think it's a boy." I explain." It looks like a boy from the way your bump looks so far, but I hope it's a girl so I can dress her up in bows and spoil her! Well, it would still get spoiled either way!" She says as she places her gentle hands on my stomach.

****A/N:Hope yo enjoyed this! I'm sorry for the sad twist with their oldest. It seemed like a nice twist! Keep Arthur fresh in your minds though! I'm glad I could update everyone on the Perrons! Until next time!

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