14|Halloween & lost girls

Start from the beginning

The drive was relatively short and soon, we were there. The house the party was hosted in was brimming with teens wearing a plethora of different costumes. A lot of them already appeared wasted, to no one's surprise. I parked and then we met Caio and Silas outside the house.

Caio was matching with Mai, wearing an agent costume. Meanwhile, Silas and Mara had the same 1920's theme going on. When we approached them, Mara immediately went to her boyfriend's side, wrapping an arm around his waist and kissing him. At the same time, Mai went to her best friend and started talking to him, still speaking at a million words per minute.

"Should we go inside?" It was Zora who asked.

We made our way past the people outside and stepped into the house. The music could be heard from the outside, but in here, it was even worse. I immediately felt uncomfortable and wanted to go home. Part of me almost wished I would be drinking. I had an inkling that a big part of the reason people were able to enjoy these things had to do with the alcohol.

Not hesitating, Mai headed to the drinks. I saw Caio go after her. Silas and Mara followed. So did Zora, so I went with them. Mai was already chugging down a drink when I got there. Silas and Mara both got drinks but quickly disappeared after that.

"Do you want-" Zora started before she abruptly stopped when she heard Mai yelling.

"Let go of me!"

My head turned to the commotion just as Mai ripped her hand away from Caio's grip around her wrist. Caio looked worried, but Mai just seemed incredibly irritated.

"You shouldn't-"

"Just let me have fucking fun, Caio. Fuck, you're being such a fucking buzzkill!"

"You can't handle your alcohol right now and you'll end up doing something harmful. We should go," Caio said calmly.

"You can leave but I'm not."

"Mai, I'm worried about you, I think-"

"You don't need to be. I feel great and I'm having fun, that's all."

Before he could react, Mai seized another drink and chugged it down, then stormed off. Caio rushed to follow her and so did Zora and I, but she was easily lost to the crowd. Cursing under his breath, Caio pushed himself through the mass of people dancing, sending us a pleading look to help.

We went our separate ways, trying to find her. It took me a little bit of searching, but I eventually found her in the crowd. The problem was, she was making out with a girl. I contemplated whether to call out for her. It would be awkward, but Caio must have been concerned for a reason.


She let go of the girl and looked my way with a beam. After saying something to the girl, she stumbled away towards me. Those drinks she had must have been strong, or maybe she'd chugged down one even before I showed up in the kitchen earlier.

When she was next to me, she wrapped an arm around me and grinned.

"Naya, how are you?"


"Want to make out?"

My eyes widened, not even sure if I heard her correctly. Where the fuck was that coming from?

"Mai, you're drunk."

"No then? That's cool, I'm going to go find someone who's willing then."

Before I could grab her, someone said my name. My head whipped around to face Enzo. He was dressed in an angel costume. Honestly, it was kind of half-assed, and looked like he'd just thrown something together last minute. Then again, I did that too, so maybe I couldn't judge.

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