Roommates (Jo Wilson)

Start from the beginning

"I was doing a dance with my friends," the girl piped up "then I got really dizzy again" she said.

"Again?" You and Robbins both asked, simultaneously.

Just then, the girl's mother barges in.

"Holly! I was so worried!! What happened?" She turns to you and Robbins.

"Ma'am come with me and I'll tell you everything whilst we take a seat in the waiting room as they run more tests on your daughter - I know it's scary but we need to give them some room to work" you remained calm.

The mother was giving you bad vibes. She reminded you of your own mother. Even though it's wrong to speak ill of the dead, you weren't afraid to say that you and your mother didn't really get on. She was overbearing. And often, callous. From a young age, she drummed it into you that you weren't the right size. She'd always been stick thin and you were a little chubby. All children were chubby - but she continued to shame you even when you grew up. For Christmas, she'd always buy you the largest size clothes she could find - when you corrected her she'd respond with "oh I'm sorry(!) it's just that I had to take a guess and that's how big you looked - no need to be so ungrateful about it - I raised you better".

This girl's mother gave you that vibe right from the off. You escorted her to the waiting room, told her what you knew, and asked if there's any medical history you should know about. She said no so you went about your day.

You caught up with Jo a few hours later and asked if she knew how the girl was doing. She told you that she was on the case now as a general surgery attending and admitted to you that both her and Arizona were out of ideas as to what could be wrong with her. Apparently the girl insists that she isn't anorexic and that she actually likes food but just can't keep it down.

Without their knowledge, you went to speak to the girl on her own. You knew interns weren't allowed to talk to patients without an attending's knowledge but you wanted to see if you could get through to her.

"Hey Holly!" You smiled at her as you entered the room.

"Do I have to have more tests?" She asked.

"Nono - I'm just here to ask you some questions with a little privacy". You reassured her.

"Do you get on well with your mom?" You asked outright.

"She's my best friend" her response sounded robotic - there wasn't any passion behind it.

"You sure? You didn't sound sure?"

"She only wants what's best for me" she replied, again robotically.

"But that's not always what you want?" You asked, sympathetically.

"I want to dance but mom says I'm too chubby" she tells you, and she starts to cry and puts her hand over her mouth. Her mother had obviously told her not to tell anybody that.

"Are you making yourself throw up so you'll get skinny?" You asked her, sitting at the end of her bed and resting a hand on her leg.

"I used to. Now I don't even have to do anything - it's muscle memory." She said. She seemed almost proud but tears still streamed down her face.

You went to respond when Jo, Robbins and the girl's mother walk in.

"Dr y/n? What are you doing?" Robbins asked, a little irritated because you weren't supposed to be in there.

"I was just-"

"Holly! What's the matter darling?" The mother rushed over to her crying daughter. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!" The mother turned to you, angrily.

Greys anatomy (& Private Practice) women x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now