40. Öga För Öga

166 6 1

"A noble spirit grows from a kind and honest heart"

"A noble spirit grows from a kind and honest heart"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Diego pulled out the knife from Elliott's chest before Luther covered a blanket over his body.

"I can't believe Elliott's dead" Luther said "He was a good guy" Diego said as Luther let out a sigh "Deserved better than this" Diego said "Yeah" Luther said.

"Elliott must've been getting too close to the truth. It smells like the feds" Diego said as he looked down "What? Are you out of your mind?" Luther asked as Diego walked over to the railing to look down at the words that was written in blood on the floor.

"Diego, if this was the federal government, they would take him somewhere and question. They wouldn't...do this. No, this is a work of a psychopath" Luther said.

"'Oga Foroga'. That a name?" Diego asked and Luther walked over to look down at the words witting in blood.

"'Oga Foroga'" Luther said and Diego looked at him "I'll lock her up" Luther said before he grabbed a phone book from the top of the fridge "Okay..." he said as he opened the book to look for the name Oga Foroga, but instead he found Olga Foroga.

"Holy shit, I found her" Luther said and Diego walked over to him to see the name "'Olga Foroga'" Luther read before he let out a scoff "That must be her" he said, looking at Diego "Call the bitch" Diego said "On it" Luther said before he immediately grabbed the phone and called the woman.

Five appeared by the middle of the display in Mortys' and he spotted the words writing in blood "Shit" he said.

"Okay...It's ringing" he heard Luther say as Five walked up the last step before he stopped next to a dentist chair that was covered with a sheet.

"No, no" he said as he was scared and worried who was under the sheet.

Five glanced to the side to see the trail of blood before seeing a pool of it on the floor.

He put down the briefcase on the floor and he grabbed the sides of the sheet "Please, don't be her, please" he said as he was scared that you were under the sheet.

He took a deep breath before he slowly pulling it back and saw Elliott's dead body causing him to let out a sadly sigh "Damn" he said.

He was of course sad over that Elliott was dead, but he was also relief over that it was not you. He didn't knew what he would have done if you were the one that was dead. He would have broken down and he didn't think he would have the strength to get back up.

"Uh, hello, Olga?" Luther asked as he listen to who it was in the phone before he looked at Diego "It's her. She sounds old. What should I say?" Luther whispered "Just..." Diego said and he circled his finger as a signaled for Luther to hurry up and talk to the old woman and Luther cleared his throat.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن