15. Truth revealed

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"The only person that deserves a special place in your life, is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs" 

"The only person that deserves a special place in your life, is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs" 

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"What are you doing in here Miss?" a voice asked and you looked up to see Pogo.

"What is this?" you asked "It's the file about you" Pogo replied "I know that. But why does Reginald have it. I have never being in this house. I have never met this man" you said as you looked down "Yes you have Miss Natalie" Pogo said and you looked back at Pogo.

"When you were five years old, your mother brought you here cause she realized that your powers were too strong. So she asked Mr. Hargreeves to train you into controlling your powers. And everyday from five to 13, your mom dropped you off at the Academy while she was working. You became really closed to them" he said "Why does it say to keep me away from Five?" you asked "'Cause you and Five were inseparable when you were young. And Reginald believe that Five was keeping you from using all of your powers" Pogo said "Why can't I remember?" you asked "'Cause Reginald force Allison to rumor you and the siblings to forget that you ever knew them" he said and your eyes widened.

"Why?" you asked "'Cause your mom found out that Reginald went behind her back and experimented on you and since you were inseparable with the kids, Reginald force Miss Allison into rumor you" he said "So that's why most of my memories from five to 13 is holes and dark" you said and he nodded. 

"Has Reginald anything to do with me ending in a coma?" you asked and Pogo let out a sigh. 

"Why?" you asked "Mr. Hargreeves wanted to remove your powers, or reduce the energy but the expeminet was a failure...it grew stronger instead" he explain "He experimented on me without my mom consent?" you asked "Your mom signed the papers that gave him consent. After that accident at the mission, the only way to save you was to put something in you that made your power stronger. Your mom found out about it and forbid Reginald and the Umbrella kids to ever get near you again. But you wouldn't keep away from them. So Reginald force Allison to rumor you and the kids into they have forgotten that they ever knew you" he said and the anger in you raised.

"Then when the accident at the college building happen. Reginald found your mom again and he told her the only way to save you was to remove your powers and your mom signed the paper. But Reginald ticked your mother, he was never going to remove your powers, he was gonna experiment on them" he said "So what? The failed experiment caused my body to turn back to 16 again and it only made my powers stronger? What the hell did I wake up six years later?" you asked out a little loud causing the room to start shaking "He had to do it to save you and so your powers could reload in some way. So he put you in your 16-year-old body and then put you in a coma" Pogo said.

"So I was trained by a complete maniac. Tormented me and the siblings' life. Experimented on. When he did he plan on getting me out of the coma?" you asked "He say that when your powers was reload you would wake up but if they weren't, then you shall be waking up when he died" he said and the anger in you raised as your eyes glow dark red.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now