24. Where am I?

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"Maybe we are the way we are because of the people we're with or maybe we just pick the people we need, however it works, when you find each other you should never let go"

"Maybe we are the way we are because of the people we're with or maybe we just pick the people we need, however it works, when you find each other you should never let go"

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On April the 1st, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the seven survivors of the apocalypse were the very people who brought it on.


You were sitting by one of the empty lunch table over in the corner alone as everyone in the school was sitting with others, talking while laughing.

A group of girls looked over at you "Freak" they whispered before they giggled.

A tear fell from your eyes as you took a bite of your apple.

"Hello" a voice suddenly ask and you looked up to see a girl and a boy around your age standing by your table holding a tray with food each.

The girl had long light brown hair with brown eyes while the boy had short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"Listen, if you came here to bully me, then get it over with or at least wait till after lunch" you said "No, we didn't came here to bully you" the girl said "Yeah, in matter of fact, we saw you and decided to come over here and sit with you, 'cause we didn't think you should be alone" the boy said before the two sat down in front of you.

"I'm Sabrina" the girl said, pointing at herself before she pointed on the boy "And this douchebag is my twin brother Toby" the girl said and the boy rolled his eyes before he looked back at you.

"What is your name?" he asked "Natalie Eversun" you answered before you glanced at them "Why are you even sitting here, I'm a freak, a weirdo, loser, a witch" you said "No, you're not" Toby said "You are special" Sabrina said "There is nothing special about me" you said "Yeah there is and they are only bullying you cause they envious you" Toby said "They wish they were like you" Sabrina said.

"What are you guys talking about?" you asked "We're like you" Toby said "What?" you asked and the twins looked at each other before they nodded.

Sabrina then put her hands right above her tray with food and a small white transparent shield appeared around her food.

She bend her fingers causing the apple and the toast to turn into Mac and cheese before the shield disappeared "Hate the food here" she said with a smile as she grabbed her fork before taking a bite of her Mac and cheese.

Your eyes widened at the sight "Woah" you said "There is more" Toby said before he turned his body to the left "Can you see those two girls over there" he said as he pointed on two girls that stood by the sink and you nodded "Yeah, those two are in the group that is bullying me" you said "Well, they bully my sister too, so payback time" Toby said before he narrowed his eyes at the faucet, and as one of the girls turn on the water to fill her bottle, Toby snapped with his fingers making the water to spray at the girl causing her to get water all over her face and uniform.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora