Chapter Seven: The Finale

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"Okay, well, this is it! Is everyone ready?" Rush asked, a huge grin on his face. He was very excited, along with all the other entities at that point. They had put hours upon hours of effort into practice, and were really hoping it would show.

They had gotten Figure a script in braille so he could read it, and they were finally ready to perform.

"OH GOSH, I'M READY, BUT I'M NERVOUS!!" Screech squealed excitedly. Seek looked at him blankly. "Screech, you aren't even performing. You're part of the backstage crew." He sighed. "WELL, YEAH, BUT... I'M STILL NERVOUS!" Screech protested, crossing two of his tentacles.

"Right... well, anyways, I'm going to go practice in the Library, since it'll be quiet. I'll see you guys later." Seek murmured. "OKAY, SEE YA LATER!! W-WAIT, FIGURE'S PRACTICING THERE TOO, THOUGH-"

It was too late. He was already gone.

"Screech, no need to panic." Halt whispered. "I think Seek knows that."


"Hey, Figure."

Figure turned in the direction of the noise and formed a smile. "Hello Seek. I can sense its you. What are you doing here?" He asked softly. Seek sighed. "You've probably read the script by now, haven't you? We aren't enemies at this at all in this, we're... lovers." He muttered quietly. Figure nodded nervously. "Y-yes, I am aware. If you're uncomfortable with it, Seek, you can pull out of your role. We don't even have to do this play at all, I-"

"Shut up."

Figure froze. Seek told him to shut up, but for what reason...? Nonetheless, he shut himself up as he heard Seek approaching.

"Figure, I'm in love with you. I want to still do this play, but only if you do too. I know I've said some crappy stuff to you over the years and I'm sorry for being an asshole. I just... will you forgive me? Please?"

Figure was silent for a moment. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't that. He sighed, putting his hand on the side of Seek's face.

"Seek, you are right, you have said some not so nice things to me, but... I can tell you are remorseful. Regretful. And I do forgive you." He smiled. "And as for your love, well... I accept! I didn't think you liked me too..." He added.

Seek felt his face go red as Figure said those words to him. "T-thanks for forgiving me, Figure. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting you to. And it's really okay if you don't like me, you know that, right?" He stammered. Figure sighed and nodded again gently. "Yes, I know – but I do like you, Seek. I could tell there was a good soul inside you. You are a wonderful entity."

Seek shook his head, feeling himself tear up. "Figure, you are too nice. You are so sweet. I really don't know how you've forgiven me." He sighed. Figure giggled softly.

"Because I love you." He gently placed his hand on Seek's heart. "I do wonder though, why did you hate me for so long? I don't think I can remember a time where you didn't have something against me." He wondered. Seek sighed again. "I don't really know why either. I guess I've always liked doing stuff on my own and in my own way. I guess my mind just pushed you away. Maybe I was scared of being helped, or something..."

Figure smiled. "You are making excuses, my friend. I can tell you are lying, aren't you? You know why, you are just afraid to admit it."

Seek looked down at the Library floor, ashamed.

"Let's practice." He said softly, changing the topic.

Sensing Seek's discomfort, Figure took his hands in his. "I have pretty much memorised the script at this point. What about you?" He asked. Seek nodded. "I have too." He murmured, a little smile spreading across his face.

"Okay, where shall we go from?"

"Act one, scene five..."


"ALRIGHT GUYS, LET'S BEGIN!! ARE SEEK AND FIGURE HERE YET, BY THE WAY?" Screech asked. Ambush nodded. "Yeah, I just saw them both come in. They're over there." He replied, pointing to the pair. Rush squinted at them. "They look quite close, don't they? And you said they came in together...?"

Screech squealed. "AWWWW, THAT'S SO CUTE!!" He screeched. Rush glared at him. "Don't give us away! And anyways, don't get ahead of yourself..."




Act one, scene five had arrived. This was the particular scene in which in the script, Romeo and Juliet shared a kiss (well, technically two). Since the entities were, well, not the smartest, they had decided to only perform to the end of act one or so, and scene five was the final scene in the act.

"OH, WOW..." Screech whispered to Hide, who was also working backstage with him. "THIS IS GONNA BE SO COOL!"

Hide didn't talk much, so they didn't respond, but they were certainly intrigued about how this would play out.

It was obvious Seek was struggling with Shakespeare's style of speech, but he was doing a pretty good job. It was clear he had practiced a lot – Figure looked proud of him.

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged." Seek spoke.

There was a bit of tension for a moment. The entities weren't sure how Romeo and Juliet, in this play, were meant to kiss exactly, since, well, Figure's entire head was his mouth. It would definitely be a struggle for Seek, wouldn't it...?

Well, little did the other entities know: they had practiced.

Seek slowly leaned forward, and after placing his hand on one side of Figure's face, he planted a tender kiss on the other side. He blushed. "T-then have my l-lips the sin that they have took." Figure stammered, a little jittery. "Sin from my lips. O, trespass sweetly urged. Give me my sin again." Seek said, still resting his hand on Figure's cheek. He kissed him again, this time lingering for a little longer. "You kiss by the book." Figure whispered.


As the entities finished the scene, and then the act, most of them went backstage or back to their rooms. Seek and Figure had sat down with each other, just making small talk, but Halt went up and approached them.

"Well, you two. Did you have fun performing?" Halt asked with a smile. The pair nodded awkwardly. Halt chuckled. "I get the feeling not all of it was acting, though, am I right? It seems like you two liked being intimate, hmm?" He wondered, grinning. Figure giggled quietly. "I think so, yes." He replied, looking at Seek, who blushed.

"M-maybe a bit..."


(i hope you enjoyed reading this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it! <3 - Fluff)

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