Chapter Four: Coming Into View

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The next day, Seek opened his eye. Well, he tried to.

"Oh god, oh god, OH GOD!" Seek yelled, sprinting mindlessly across the Hotel. "I CAN'T SEE!! SOMEBODY HELP ME, PLEASE!!!"

He had just woken up only a few moments ago, and had come to the realisation that his vision had completely disappeared. Panicked, unsure of what else to do, he was endlessly searching the Hotel for assistance. He had always been able to see, and always had the best sight out of all the entities (because of all of his eyes, of course), so this was extremely concerning for him.


Suddenly, Seek was thrown to the ground as he bumped into something. Disoriented, but still unable to see, he rubbed his head. "Ow... w-who goes there??" Seek stammered, confused.

"Oh, Seek, it's you!" Figure cried, very clearly excited. "Oh... hey Figure." Seek murmured, recognising the entity's voice. "U-uh, what's all the excitement about?" He asked. Figure smiled uncontrollably. "Seek, I..."

"...I can see!"

Seek froze. "YOU... YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE EYES!! You can seriously see? And I can't?? Does this mean...!?" Suddenly, Seek stood up, and hit his head again on something. "OW, GODDAMMIT!" He yelled, rubbing his head again. Figure chuckled softly. "You okay there, Seek?" He asked gently. "YEAH! I'm f-fine..." Seek replied in annoyance, stumbling over his words a little.

"So you can't see, can you? Well... perhaps our sight was switched!" Figure suggested, and Seek nodded slowly. "Y-yeah, that must be it... but how could that even happen??" He demanded to know the answer. Figure shrugged as he stared starry-eyed at the world around him. "I'm not sure, but... I'm loving this! I've never been able to see before, Seek... I've never seen YOU!" He stammered excitedly, looking back into Seek's eye. Seek was just as pretty as he expected, maybe even prettier.

"Oh Seek..." Figure sighed, feeling his face heat up a little. "W-what is it, bookworm??" Seek shouted, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. He couldn't see Figure at all... he couldn't read his body language anymore.

"Oh, it's n-nothing!" Figure replied, a little too quickly. "It was just, um... a cute scene in a book I read just now! Y-you know, because I can see...?" He added awkwardly, even though he hadn't read a word in his life. He didn't know how to read at all, just braille books. "Oh gosh, Seek will definitely know..." He thought to himself nervously, but he overestimated Seek's IQ. "Uh, right..." Seek muttered in reply, trying to get his bearings with his surroundings. He was too busy adjusting to being blind to fully process what Figure was saying, so he didn't notice the obvious lie.

"Well, um, I'm going to go explore the Hotel! You can come with me if you'd like." Figure stammered, trying to switch topics. "Nah, I'm good..." Seek muttered, carefully sitting down on the Library floor. "I think I'll just... sit here for a while." He added quietly. "That's okay, Seek. Let me know if you need any guidance. I lov- I mean, I'll see you later!"

As Figure walked slowly out of the Library, Seek sighed. "This is so dumb... that entity doesn't even have eyes!" He thought to himself in frustration. As he sat with his thoughts for a moment, unsure of what else to do, he pondered about Figure. Sometimes, he felt... things, around him. Sure, he did feel like the most annoying entity in the world, but... he was also nice. Kind. A gentle soul. Seek wasn't even sure why he didn't like him... he never did anything bad.

Suddenly, he was overwhelmed with a certain feeling. "I know we're playing enemies in this stupid play, but... man, what if we were lovers...?" He thought about this for a moment, but then shook his head furiously. "No, I'm not thinking about that! I hate Figure!" He reminded himself. He stood up, and hit his head again. "I SWEAR TO- WHY??? WHAT AM I HITTING MY HEAD ON???" He yelled angrily.

Suddenly, he was interrupted by a soft, but hurt voice.

"Seek...? I... I don't think I'm... okay..."

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