💾💠장 114 (PLA): Comes From Love

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Daniel laughs as he sent strong attacks with his four metal wings as Celina blocks them with her sword.

"You don't have your mother's genes? My sister... Aish, she and her pathetic wife--"

"Mama is not pathetic!"

Celina shouts angrily as she kicks Daniel on his chest making him chuckle feeling the strong sensation on his chest.

"But look at you!? You don't have Seung's powers! You have Jihyo's! The weakest one!"

Daniel appears behind her and sent a strong punch to her back breaking her armor, sending her flying towards the mountains.

He laughs as he teleports in front of her and choked her.

"I could also do what she can."

Daniel flicks his hand creating huge black flames all over the mountain covering it.

He chokes Celina who coughs and noticed the huge slice on her stomach, she was bleeding out.


"Any last words, my dear niece?"

"No wonder why grandpa loves mom more than you, you build a bear middle child reject!"

Daniel angrily threw Celina on the black flames as Rin's eyes widened in horror.


Enki shouts terrified as she flew towards the mountain but was stopped by Grazel who this demonic features.

Any inch of humanity left him as he tried to rip Enki's wings who screams and tried to get him off, but no he was not moving.

He was a real monster now.

Rick grips Rin and Ji-Sun's neck as they were distracted to rush to save Celina, they felt their magic begin to fade.


Ji-Sun whispered as she couldn't feel her magic anymore.

"Noticed that? Well, nothing but a little steal won't hurt."

Rick grins as he teleports up the hill and laughed at Seung and Jihyo's tomb.

"Finally! That fuckers dead!"

He then laughs again as Rin felt lifeless, her magic was gone so is Ji-Sun's.

Rick throws them off the edge.

"So long, Chaos God."


Jasper shouts as he got tackled by the Marines, while Sierra got chained.

"Celina? Darling, wake up."

Celina flutters her eyes open to see a woman with magnificent hazel eyes.

"It's me, Mama Jihyo... Why are you here? You're still fighting right?"

Jihyo whispered as she caressed her oldest daughter's hair.

"I lost Mama, I'm sorry... I thought I won't let anyone shed my blood but here I am..."

"You haven't lost yet, darling. You still have her! Your sister... You swore to protect her... Ain't that right."

Celina nods as she tears up, Jihyo kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Then let me help you."

The black flames Busted with golden flames as Celina walked through the flames.

Her legs and arms were covered with gold flames as turns into half a phoenix.

CC: Cosmic Chaos (SEASON 5)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu