So that's why, I can't do that Delta. Though to convince, I have to say something else...

"Not everyone are weak. Everyone can possibly defeat me with their own strength."

"Nope. It's impossible..." Delta, you should act like you are amazed and say that you understand.

She is the only one who goes on her own pace and doesn't really care about our setting at all!

"Because, you are the strongest! How can someone beat you?"

I am happy Delta, but I can't be complacent. I still have to be sure I'm the absolute strongest, after all!

"Arrogance will be our downfall. We must stay vigilant if we want to go along with our plan..." Let's just say something random like that.

And as expected, she just tilted her head as if she can't understand.

I would be really glad if Alpha or the others are here. At least they are quick to go along with my shadowbroker act.

"Forget about it. Is there anything we can eat here?" Even I am feeling tired acting in front of her now.

"Oh... I just saw it on that white city!"

She gingerly walks to one of the dead orcs there, mercilessly dismember it's arm, and then sticks that arm to her slime blade.

"Ta-dah! I heard it's a delicacy on that city!"

.... Huh? That city eats arms stuck in a sword?

"Come on, let's grill this Boss Lady!"

Not giving me anytime to react, Delta is already moving on her own pace.

If it's for survival, she is actually pretty good. In just a few moments, she already manages to create a campfire and a stone stove for it. Now she is grilling that orc's arm stabbed in her slime blade.

.... You know what, an orc is just a humanoid pig. Their arm also looks supple, so whatever! I'm starving!

I take a seat besides her and waited for the arm to be cooked.

"Boss Lady, what's with the getup?"

Oh, so you just noticed?

"... This is a secret. Don't tell Alpha and others, okay!"

"Okay.... so what's with that?" She asks with that cute tilt of her head.

"It's a disguise. I'm infiltrating that city for the upcoming war." Oh, I just recall. "By the way, when are you going to raid that city?"

She furrowed her brows at that, which is surprising. Is there something wrong?

"I don't know. Alpha-sama said they don't want to do it anymore..."

..... Huh? What?

"What do you mean...?" I can't believe this. That Alpha is actually going against her own decision!?

"I don't know... but they look sad when they say that."

Ah, I see. It must be that.

There might be some relatives they have there who are killed due to the church. I can understand. They are just playing along with me. They are not that serious being a Power in the Shadow, unlike me.

I'm sure they lost their morale after getting ahead of themselves. It involves their personal life after all.

It seems like Delta is the only one who doesn't understand. She seems eager to fight still. I can use that.

"I see... wanna go and get inside the city?"

"Are we going hunting!?~" She looks really excited.

"Yes, we are going to hunt a lot of people."

As I'm friends with Alpha, I think it's fine if I'm the only one who goes to war against the church, right?

As for Delta? She can handle herself! Even if I don't like her fighting style, I will admit she is strong! Incredibly strong!

"Then get ready... also..." I really need to emphasize this one. "Call me.... Aurora, while we are there."

I just look at the night sky, and think that name sounds more thematic.

I don't want her calling me Shadow. I'm in a disguise right now after all.

"Okay, Boss Lady!"

.... Will it really be alright if I just left her to her own?

I really hope she didn't mess it up and slip up!


If you have fun in my story, and you'd like to support me, then you can go to my Kofi account.

Thank you for reading this!~

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