Bare Feet: Sano

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The patter of bare feet hitting the floor could be heard putting a smile on the male's face as it reminds him of his childhood.


The patter of small bare feet hitting the hardwood floor was heard as two young boys ran down the stairs and out the house. "Be careful you two!" A middle age woman called out to the young boys before smiling and going back to making lunch.

"Come on Channie!" The smaller boy said as he tugged his best friend along to the swing set in his front yard. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Channie said with a smile on his face as the two young boys made it to the swing set.

"Can you push me Channie?" The younger boy asked with puppy dog eyes as he looked up towards Channie. "Of course Samie! Hold on tight." Channie said as he stood behind the other and started to push him.


The male's smile grew wider as he continued to make lunch for his family. "What's got you smiling like that?" A male with blonde hair asked as he entered the kitchen and saw the other with the idiotic smile he had on his face.

"Not you, you ugly nerd." The smiling male sneered jokingly as he continued to make lunch with a blank expression on his face. "I think that's pretty mean of you to talk to your husband like that, don't cha think Samie?" The blonde haired male asked as he stood next to the other and leaned against the counter.

"I can be mean to my husband whenever I like, don't cha think Channie?" Samuel mocked the other as he gave the other a smug look. "Unless you want to hurt your husband's feelings then be my guest." Chan offered as he leaned closer to Samuel's face.

"I 'hurt' his feelings either way. Over dramatic for what?" Samuel stated with an eye rolled before picking up the tray with sandwiches on it and walked away from the other. Chan watched as he left the room. A cheeky smile spread across his face as an idea popped up in his head.


"Hey Samuel~" Chan sing-song as he approaches his husband who was sitting on the couch, reading a book. "What cheeky plan do you have up your sleeve this time?" Samuel asked as he put the book he was reading to the side. "Who said I have a 'cheeky plan'?" Chan asked as he stood in front of Samuel who gave him a 'are you joking?' expression.

"I don't know maybe your husband who also happens to be your best friend since childhood says that you have a cheeky plan. I know you too well Chan, you can't fool me." Samuel remarked with cross arms.

"You're right, I can't fool you. But I can do this!" Chan said as he grabbed hold of the younger's hand and dragged him out the house, the patter of their bare feet gave Samuel a sense of nostalgia as they ran out the front door.

"Mama! Daddy!" The little kids who were outside exclaimed as they saw their parents running towards them. The family played in the field and on the swing set until the sun set.

"Alright boys, time to head inside." Samuel said as he stood up and dusted off his pants. He helped his kids get washed up ready to settle down. "Remember you have daycare tomorrow, so don't stay up too late." Samuel said before closing the room's door.

Samuel smiled softly as he saw Chan sitting out on the balcony. "It's late you know." Samuel said as he walked out on the balcony. "Do you remember the promise we made when we were younger?" Chan suddenly asked which shocked Samuel at first, but then a smile broke out on his face.

"Of course I do. How can I forget something that came true." Samuel asked as he fell into Chan's open arms. "I love you, Lee Samuel." Chan said as he pressed a kiss to Samuel's head. "I love you too, Lee Chan" Samuel said as they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky.


"Samie can you promise me something?" Chan asked as he looked towards the younger who sat on the swing next to him. "What is it Channie?" Samuel asked with a head tilt curious to know what his best friend wanted him to promise.

"Can you promise to always be by my side forever?"

"I promise."


Am I a sucker for Sano? Yes, yes I am so I made this for all the shippers that ship Chan and Samuel.

I don't have much to say, so with that

I hop you enjoy this Short

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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