🏳️‍🌈 ART CHALLENGE!!! 🏳️‍🌈

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(This challenge is for myself, don't worry, lol. But y'all can do it too if ya want. :3)

As stated on my announcement tab, I challenge all of YOU, to give ME couple drawing prompts!!! >w<

Not just any couple drawing prompts, but prompts that you want me to draw as Limentio or Dimigi!!! >:D

(However, I will refuse to do anything I deem inappropriate. *So, basically Lemons* -'_'-)

Until the end of this June, I will be accepting drawing prompts that you would want me to draw! ^w^

I just have 5 easy steps to follow so I can get to drawing! :D

1) Send me a pic of the drawing prompt!

Ex: (Be sure to let me know if I need to credit anyone for the base!)

Ex: (Be sure to let me know if I need to credit anyone for the base!)

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2) Tell me if you want Limentio or Dimigi. >:3

3) *Optional* Let me know if you have a preference for which one is doing what in the drawing!

(For example, with the pic above, you would tell me who you would prefer for the one on the left and the right. ^w^)

4) *Also optional* Tell me if you want them drawn from a particular AU!

(Ex: You can request Gem!Dim to be drawn with Gem!Luigi, Vamp!Dim & Werewolf!L, Deltatoad!Dim & Delatoad!L, etc.)

(I accept mix and matches too *within reason*!

So, ex: Swap!Dim and Mr.L, Neko!Dim and Werewolf!L, etc.)

5) Enjoy a new shippy Limentio/Dimigi drawing. B)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! My private messages are always open! :3

I'll receive any and all prompts from wherever u can send them to me from! Heck, I'll take them on Discord if you need to send it that way. ^w^

Without any further ado, send in any prompts to me as u like! >w<

(I'm not expecting to get many requests, so do as many as you like, lol)

Have an AMAZING day/night~! >U<

Oh, and I'll also accept drawing prompts for any of my other LGBTQ+ SPM-related couples that I've written if u really want. -w-

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