Chapter 4

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The man: What's this, Mr. Kanat?
Ekim was trying to see what it was but she couldn't.
Kanat: Mr. Selim, it must be a misunderstanding. I don't know how it was taken!
Selim: It's not my business. I won't be in business with someone who has a scandal like this. It must not be the first time!
Selim said and left, leaving Kanat standing in shock trying to understand what happened. Ekim rushed behind Selim trying to ask him for a chance or explanation.
Ekim: Mr. Selim! Mr. Selim, wait a minute please! Listen, I don't know what you saw but just try to think well and listen to Mr. Kanat! It might be a misunderstanding like he said.

Selim: I think you should see and read. The scandal must have become a trend now. You look like a good girl, so I advise you to leave the work before your career is damaged before it starts.
Selim said and left. Ekim went to Kanat's office to find him sitting, watching the video that was sent and the comments on it.
Ekim: Mr. Kanat, do you...
Kanat: Ekim, go to your office. I want to be alone.
Ekim nodded and left. Once she entered her office, she opened her phone and found that Kanat's name was trending now. She opened the video to see it. It was a video that was shot in the same nightclub with a girl.

Kanat was touching her in the video and the girl seemed to be annoyed, but he didn't stop. Ekim was disgusted from the first sight she saw the video, but soon she noticed that the girl was looking at the camera in the middle of the video, which meant she knew about it. Ekim saw many comments saying that, but the assault comments on Kanat were more than them. After a while, she was going to his office to see if he needed something, but she heard the workers in the company whispering.
Girl: What a double standard! We know he's a womanizer, but not a harasser, not to that extent!
Guy: The investors will end their contracts with him too. How will we get our salaries then? He's going bankrupt.

Burak: Don't say that! I have many expenses to cover. At least he should pay us what he owes us!
They all looked at Ekim, who was listening to them before entering Kanat's office.
Girl: She must be going to tell him now. I won't be surprised if she was one of his mistresses.
In Kanat's office, Kanat was lost in thought, looking out the window.
Ekim: Mr. Kanat?
Kanat: Is there something you need, Ekim?
Ekim: No, I just came to see if you needed anything.
Kanat: Thanks, Ekim. You can go now. No need to stay.
Ekim looked at him with a sad expression and then left the company. She stopped to buy a few things before going home. At night, Kanat arrived home to find his family gathered.

Adam: Kanat! Come here for a moment.
Kanat went over and sat down.
Seher: What's this video, Kanat? Do you know what position we're in now?
Kanat: Mom, I swear it's not what it looks like. The girl was consenting. I'm not that low to force anyone.
Zehra: We're talking about what's on the video, Kanat. What's my daughter's fault for seeing her fiancé like that or hearing some things from some filthy mouths?
Adam: Can we just hear him out first? Speak up, Kanat!
Kanat: I've said everything I know. I really don't know how this happened. I don't even remember seeing or meeting that girl. But I'm sure that I never forced any girl to do anything without her consent.
Seher: That's the result of your nights, Kanat! Look, you're almost losing everything now.

Kanat complained, then went to his room. At Ekim's house, she was sitting with her mother and Leyla.
Leyla: This is so bad, Ekim!! If it's true that someone is trying to hurt him, then why??
Ekim: Leyla, he's a successful and rich businessman. Of course, there are many girls who want to gain something from his wealth, or maybe he has enemies. He must have enemies too.
Alanur was about to talk, but Leyla's yelling when she held her phone interrupted her.
Alanur: What's wrong, idiot girl?
Leyla: The girl in the video has been live for a while, look.
Leyla moved next to them and started watching the video.

Selin: I don't know about the video or why it was shared now, but I'm happy that finally, the truth was revealed. I couldn't talk or tell what happened at that time because I was scared, and I know he is rich and can harm me. But it's clear that someone saw it and tried to help, even if it was late. But, I'm sorry he didn't see what happened after that. He took me to a room which was almost made for him there. The room was full of tools used for sadism. I don't know what would have happened to me if I couldn't escape from there. Anyway, I won't turn it into a legal issue or something because I think he took enough punishment. Thank you all!

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