Chapter 19

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Leyla: Ekim?
Alanur: Girl, what's going on? Why are you smiling like that?
Ekim went and sat next to them while taking a bite of the sandwich she had made.
Leyla: Did you deliberately show him the scar?
Ekim: Yes!
Alanur: We thought...
Ekim: That I wouldn't tell him! I know! But I'm not the poor, peaceful girl in the TV show who will just keep silent when insulted. I should maintain my dignity, especially with this woman.
Leyla: I think Kanat will cause a big problem!
Ekim: Let him cause it! They are not the royal family that can insult people without consequences. Let them pay for their mistakes too.
They all fell silent after Ekim's last words, surprised by Ekim's thinking and sudden courage.

Kanat arrived home to find his family sitting at the dinner table with Melisa and her family. Seher could sense his anger and knew that he knew everything.
Kanat: How could you do this, Mother?
Adam: Kanat! Watch your language and don't raise your voice. What happened to make you so angry?
Kanat: Let's ask Mrs. Seher about what she did today! And how she lied to us!
Adam: Seher, what's going on? What is Kanat saying?
Zehra: What could it be? Of course, this girl did or said something wrong to make him like this.
Kanat: Why did you immediately assume it's related to Ekim? Or is it because you know she is telling the truth?
Seher and Zehra looked at each other, confused, and then at Adam.

Adam: What happened today?
Kanat: Mrs. Seher and Zehra didn't have enough of humiliating Ekim and my daughter by calling her an adulterated baby and saying she's nothing but a shame. Mrs. Seher even slapped Ekim when she tried to defend herself.
Adam turned to Seher, shocked, and then to Hazal, who was nervous.
Adam: Is this real, Hazal?
Hazal looked at her mother and aunt, confused, then back at her father.
Kanat: Tell the truth, Hazal!
Hazal: Yes, Dad! That's what happened.
Adam looked at Seher in anger.
Adam: Have you lost your mind, Seher? Since when do we solve our problems or treat anyone violently? Especially the girl who will be our daughter-in-law.

Seher: Adam-
Adam: And are you forgetting that your son also made the same mistake? Why were you ignoring his actions all that time and calling your granddaughter an adulterated child? Shame on you, Seher! I'm truly shocked that something like this could happen under your watch!
Adam ended his words angrily and left. Seher looked back at Kanat.
Zehra: Are you happy with what you and this woman caused, Kanat?
Melisa: Mom, stay out of this!
Zehra looked at Melisa with anger.
Kanat: You caused all of this!
Seher: Don't think that this will make me change my mind, Kanat!
Kanat: So you mean you won't back out of this stubbornness?
Seher: No! I don't accept this girl, and I won't accept her no matter what happens!
Kanat: Then you've lost me!

Seher: What does that mean?
Kanat: I will leave and live with my wife and daughter. If you want to get me back, you'll have to accept her first!
Kanat said and left. Hazal got up, trying to stop him, but he quickly drove his car away. Ekim collected the dishes and was feeding Ayla when the doorbell rang. Leyla opened the door and saw that it was Kanat.
Leyla: Ekim! Mr. Kanat is here! Come in, Mr. Kanat!
Kanat: I think you should stop saying "Mr." We are relatives now.
Kanat said laughingly while taking off his jacket. Leyla laughed too and nodded.
Ekim finished feeding Ayla at that time, so Kanat picked her up.
Kanat: Honey! How are you? Did you miss me?
Ekim: What happened, Kanat? Why are you here this late?

Kanat sat down, with Ayla on his lap.
Kanat: I left my house, so I don't have a house now. Our new house is still being prepared, so I can't go there. I couldn't find anywhere else to go. Can I stay here for a while?
Alanur: Why didn't you go to a hotel?
Alanur said mockingly, and Kanat looked confused.
Kanat: Well, I also wanted to be near Ayla, that's why!
Alanur nodded, but in a way that showed she didn't believe him. At that moment, Aziz arrived and saw him.
Aziz: Kanat? How are you?
Kanat: Fine, Aziz! How about you?
Aziz: I'm fine! What's going on at this late hour? Is Ayla okay?
Ekim: He will stay here, Aziz! He has some problems, so he will stay here tonight. And maybe for more nights!
Aziz: Where?

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