Chapter 6

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Ekim took her bag, looking confused, and got up immediately.
Elif: Ms. Ekim! What's wrong?
Kanat: Ekim?
Ekim: A... Ayla, she is in the hospital. I have to go now. I'm so sorry!!
Ekim said and left.
Kanat got up too.
Kanat: I'm so sorry for that, Mr. Selim! But I have to go with her. We will meet again for sure.
Selim: No problem, Mr. Kanat.
Kanat left to catch Ekim. Elif turned to Selim while smiling.
Elif: I think they like each other!
Selim: Elif, what are you saying? She is his assistant.
Elif: Did you see how she was trying to defend him? Or how his face fell when she started trembling? It's signs of love, starting from caring and helping each other.

Selim smiled and took a sip of his drink.
Ekim was walking randomly, searching for a taxi, but there were no taxis.
Ekim: What the hell! Do all taxis suddenly disappear?
Ekim shouted in anger. Kanat came with the car and stood next to her.
Kanat: Come, Ekim! Hurry!
Ekim quickly entered the car.
Ekim: What about Mr. Selim?
Kanat: I apologized, don't worry!
Ekim kept staring at him for a moment and spoke.
Ekim: Thank you!
Kanat looked at her and nodded. Ekim was so worried; she tried to call Alanur all the way, but she didn't answer.
Ekim: Uff, Mom!
Ekim put down her phone, crying, so Kanat extended his hand with a tissue.

Kanat: Don't worry, Ekim! We are about to reach the hospital. Don't worry.
Ekim nodded and wiped her tears, trying to control herself. They reached the hospital, and Ekim went to the receptionist.
Ekim: Ayla... Where's Ayla Güleryüz's room?
The receptionist looked at the computer, then spoke.
Receptionist: It's 484.
Ekim left immediately, and Kanat followed her. Ekim reached the room, and her mother was inside with the doctor. She was about to enter, but a nurse stopped her.
Nurse: Excuse me, just one person is allowed inside. She is going to be released after a while anyway.

Ekim nodded and kept looking through the glass. She was crying and touching the glass as if trying to touch Ayla. Kanat felt sad for her and approached her, trying to hug her, but he stopped and hesitantly raised his hand to put it on her shoulder.
After some minutes, Alanur got out of the room.
Alanur: Ekim!
Ekim: Mom, how is she? What happened?
Alanur: She is fine, don't worry. She suddenly had a fever and the doctors said it's because of her medication.
Ekim: That's why she was crying then. She was in pain, and I didn't understand it.
Ekim said sadly with a shaking tone.
Alanur: It's okay, Ekim! She is fine, and that's what's important! Anyway, I'll go home and bring her some clothes because she vomited until she finished the serum. You can stay with her until I come, okay honey?

Ekim: Okay!
Ekim said and entered the room.
Kanat: Do you want me to drive you?
Alanur: No, Kanat, thanks. I called a taxi. Just stay with her because she can't act well when she is nervous like that.
Kanat: Okay!
Alanur left, and Kanat entered the room too. Ekim was staying there, caressing Ayla's head sadly. Kanat stood there for a few minutes, then asked her.
Kanat: What's her illness?
Ekim looked at him questioningly.
Kanat: Your mother said that her medication caused this. What's the medication for a baby at her age?
Ekim: She has had a heart condition since birth, and she will have surgery when she reaches three years old.
Kanat: How old is she now?
Ekim: One year and three months.

Ekim went back to caressing Ayla's hair and kissed her on the head as Kanat watched with admiration.
In Melisa's car, she woke up with a headache. She checked her phone to see the time, and it was around 11:26 p.m.
Melisa: What the heck is this? How did I fall asleep here for so long? Kanat? Kanat's dinner, OH MY GOD!!!
Melisa took out her phone and tried to call Kanat.
At the hospital, Ekim and Kanat were leaving the room, waiting for the nurse to bring Ayla. Kanat took out his phone when Melisa called, but he ignored the call and looked at Ekim. He remembered that she was still in her dress, so he took off his jacket and put it on her.
Ekim turned to him, and they were standing very close to each other.

A Night's Mistake, A Lifetime's Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora