Chapter 14 " New beginnings."

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This week has come with challenges. But it wouldn't be my life without that.

Today we are giving Thomas a choice which I will get to in a second but, It's been about a week since I've held him here trying to get him to have some compassion which I guess he's shown.

Him and Finn have been spending time with each other highly supervised but it went pretty well.

But for Finn he has have been having nightmares about me disappearing and then Flash disappears then him. But we assure him we're all still here together. And not going anywhere.

But on the bright side Bailey got his job back, and is looking for apartments.

And finally for the most important news Ace and Nyah are expecting a baby. And little does Nyah know she's getting proposed too on her upcoming birthday that's in 2 weeks.

It's starting to look good for everyone, And it's been kind of weird but great.

I guess I was just so used to grief and being anxious all the time that it shocks my body to be happy so much. My face literally hurts from smiling so much.

Now for Thomas choices that he gets to choose from. Getting arrested or taking over Aces mafia, place, people included no catch. We will all get our normal lives back.

Seems like the easiest choice ever. Hopefully he makes the right one.

We stayed up all night last night as a family, and thats when I guess we were all reminded of something.

It wasn't just that it was nice to relax in our pajamas, watch a scary movie and not worry about dying.. but that I guess that baileys jokes, flashes sassiness. Finn's crazy bonds with everyone and Nyah and Ace being the cutest people alive. And me being able to just breathe.

That life felt complete. And we were all okay with that. Just us together.


" I haven't laughed like this since-" Bailey starts and i interrupt

"Highschool.." I finish the sentence and everyone looks at me then nods in agreement.

Finn lays on my lap asleep as I play with his hair. And flash sits next to me with his arm across my shoulders.

My two boys. That's something that I want forever. Just them safe. Then Ace interrupts my thoughts.

"We would go to Bailey and Sages house and just sit there for hours just talking and drinking. It just felt right." Ace says explaining to Nyah what we all smile as Nyah lays her head on his shoulder and smiles.

She rests her hand on her belly. Pregnancy makes her even prettier.

" Remember when Flash got chased by Bailey's huge dog?" I ask and everyone erupts with laughter.

" And you show up and he just likes you. It was the craziest thing ever." Flash says and lays his head on the back of the couch.

" God, what was that dog's name?" Ace asks and everyone thinks.

" Oliver, he passed away 2 years after Nina-" Bailey pauses and everyone looks at me.

" After I faked my death." I say and everyone looks away in awkwardness, "No it's okay.. You guys can ask questions, you guys definitely deserve answers." I say and Nyah sits up.

" How'd you not breathe for so long?" She asks and I place my hand on Finn's belly mirroring what I did that night without noticing it.

" It was only for 20 seconds because as soon as the paramedics showed up I just had to be careful for anyone to notice. And just slowed my breathing when I thought people were too close." I say and Bailey's head shoots up.

" Were the paramedics actors?" He asks and I nod, smiling and Bailey gets out of his chair dramatically spinning around the room and I look over at flash and see him looking at his lap and I place one of my hands on his arm and smile and he smiles back.

Even though I say I would never hurt him and I thought I was protecting him that day I was still hurting him just not physically. I hurt him in a pain that no one has.

" God what time is it?" Flash wonders out loud and grabs his phone from his back pocket and his eyes widen. " It's 4 am." He says and stands up walking towards me grabbing finn from my lap walking him to our room and i stand up fixing the blanket folding it back up and take all the cups and dishes to the kitchen Nyah helping me as Ace and Bailey turn off the tv talking for a little bit before heading to their rooms.

I wash the dishes as Nyah dries them.

" You miss it too?" She asks and I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

" You miss your old life. Everyone of you does. Baileys is just the only one doing something about it. He's got his old job back and is looking for apartments. Ace doesn't want to say anything but he stays up all night and when he does go to sleep it's only for 2 hours because he's up again anxious about dying." Nyah says and my heart sinks.

This life hasn't just affected me and it was selfish of me to think I was the only one. It has affected everyone. Including my son, now he's having nightmares because of this place.

" Nyah, I can't do anything about this. It's our life." I say and she shakes her head as I finish up with the last dish.

"No. Don't do that. Don't act like you're not the boss. The minute they found out you were alive you've been running this place and these men. I'm not stupid Nina. The minute you say anything they'll be at your beck and call." Nyah says as she dries the dish and walks towards the door frame.

" What am I supposed to do?" I ask and she stops and turns around.

" You're Nina Hernandez, you'll figure it out." She says and I smile throwing the dish rag at her and she laughs.


" So Thomas, what is your choice?" I ask and sit down across from him. No guards, no flash just me.

"All I have to do is leave you alone?" He asks and i nod

" And my family." I say and he looks at me and smiles.

" You know love, I thought you were smarter. Don't you remember? Business over family." He says and I shake my head.

" Not over this family. I'd rather lose all my money then one hair off of any of their heads." I say and he shakes his head looking down at the table and laughs leaning back and i just look at him with an eye roll.

" So you're telling me i get this establishment, the guards, the weapons and money you all have made from this just to leave you all alone so you may live your lives?"He asks and I nod.

" Well Nina, you have yourself a deal." He goes to shake my hand but I put mine up.

"You have to sign these papers." I say and hand him them.

" What are these?" He asks and I smile.

" There are restraining orders for all of us, just in case. You can still be in contact like letters and emails but no visits or showing up and trying to kill us. They are finalized as soon as we walk out the door." I say and smile and he shakes his head after rolling his eyes but non the less grabbing the pen from my hand signs them all.

We uncuff him and all of us start packing as he walks around huffing out orders to his new guards.

Is this a new beginning?


We are officially almost at the end of the until franchise. But who knows maybe I'll write another!!

And I just want to thank every single viewer and a special thank you if you followed through from the last book and are still here.

I literally love you guys and love to write. And will definitely start another book some time in the future but I currently do have another one I am writing.

It's Scream Salem! No pressure to check it out it is a fanfic so if you like that go check it out and if not no worries!

New chapter coming soon!

- V

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