Chapter 3 she did it for him

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we finally get Bailey in the mansion and in the basement. He's tied up in a chair and for some reason I don't feel anything about it.

Someone grabs my arm pulling me out of whatever trance I was just in.

I swing at the person because I didn't know who it was at first.

He catches my fist and I gasp looking into his eyes.

" Relax." Marco says looking down as he lowers my hand. Both of us breath heavy. " I didn't mean to scare you.." he mumbles still staring into my eyes.

" it's fine." I say pulling away walking up the stairs and out of the basement. What the hell was that Nina?!

You can't do that. Mostly with Marco.


Nina. That's all I can think about.

They think that I'm not fucking smart? That I can't hold my breath? Flash trained me. And her and this Marco charter aren't gonna beat his training.

I didn't want to be part of the gang but that doesn't mean I didn't learn the thing I needed too to survive.

But why now? After all this time.

I mean Nina's heart fucking stopped. We all saw, the monitor. She has a fucking bullet in her scull.

She did it all for what? To be apart of a mafia? It makes no sense. The Nina I knew. She wouldn't have done it.

She had a conscious.

She wouldn't have fucking shoved me in a car. And she wouldn't of risked herself.

Or.. she wouldn't risk flash. She fucking- She saved him. Oh my god.

I saw her body.. How are you still alive Nina Carson?


" what the hell do you mean Bailey ditched work?" I say putting on one of my leather boots.

" He didn't show up that's what I mean." Ace says through the phone.

" and how do you know this?" I ask curious on to how he even knows. The man runs a mafia and is worried about our friend that works for our old high school.

" he has me as his emergency contact." Ace says deafeningly.

I almost laugh, but its bailey. He never missed a day of school either, even when he had strep he didn't stay home.

" That's not like him.." I say and put the phone on speaker setting it next to me on the bed.

" It is. He literally made the principal call me when he needed an extra shirt-" he says and I cut him off rolling my eyes.

" No I mean not showing up to his work. fucking dumbass." I say putting on my other shoe

"Flash it's- it's your father. I know it is. They left a note outside of his work." Ace says and it sounds like he's pissed and worried.

The sound of a car door being slammed is heard on the door and then I head Ace walking.

" What the hell did you do this time?" I say grabbing my phone talking it off speaker and standing up holding it to my ear.

" I challenged him." He says and i about throw the phone across the room.

" what- what do you mean you challenged him?!" I say raising my voice but not yelling yet.

" Well you know when.. you want to fight... do you not get it-"

" of fucking course I get it!" I say now yelling. I sigh rubbing my forehead.

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