Chapter 5 Ex

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" Nina! Oh my god!" Marco yells running to me and flash, as now we're outside.

Flash still holds me bridal style carrying me down the stairs of the mansion prison.

Flash sets me down at the bottom and Marco grabs me protectively shoving me behind him one of his arms still on my shoulder. 

" Don't you fucking touch her-" Marco starts and flash puts his hand up.

" I just got shot at and thrown into a fire place. I'm not gonna hurt my fucking ex wife." Flash says shoving his shoulder into Marcos as he walks away holding his side.

" I think he was shot- I have to.." I say looking up to Marco and he nods his head.

" Go, be with your husband." Marco says and puts a hair behind my ear. " I still hate you." He mumbles and leans forehead kissing my forehead.

" Ex, and yeah.. I still hate you." I say smiling at him and walk away.

Things changed between me and Marco. It's more than it ever was. But every time I look into Marcos eyes, I see nothing but flash's face.

And Marco makes me feel good, but Flash he made sure I had some fun. And that's what I needed. I think I needed that fun.



" come on what's the surprise already?" Nina says Impatiently trying to loosen the bandana around her head that's covering her eyes.

" stop it!" I say and grab her hands pulling them down to her sides.

" do you trust me?"

" honestly?" She asks and I almost laugh.

" Yes honestly." I say with a smile.

" Yes.." she mumbles biting her lip.. I can tell she's trying to hold back a smile.

" good." I say and walk behind her taking the bandana of her head. She looks around probably shocked.

She turns around and jumps into my arms.

" really?" She asks happily and I wrap my arms around her waist.

" yes really." I say and look around the blue aquarium that has a huge amount of fish swimming around.

" Thank you.." she mumbles pulling away from me too look closer at the fish. Her nose basically touching the glass.

I smile. Suddenly a sting ray flies above her head and she smiles.

" you told me how much you love fishes so I thought this would be a good graduation gift." I say and she turns around smiling.

" I love it so much." She says and kisses my cheek.



Me and Marcos back sit against the roof of an abandon building behind the mansion so we can get away from Thomas.

" Why'd a girl like you join this?" Marcos voice says and for the first time I think he's actually not trying to insult me but of course I have to pretend to take it as one.

" a girl like me? That seems backhanded." I say and turn my head to look as him, to see he's already looking at me.

" I mean why'd you want to do this? You're so much better than this." And as soon as he says that I sit up.

" everyone keeps telling me I'm better. But I'm definitely worse." I say looking at him and rolling my eyes putting my knees to my chest.

" I agree." Marco says and I smile and he laughs.

" yeah you're so worse. Like the worst person I've met by far." He says and I laugh pushing his arm

" shut up!" I say laughing, like really laughing. I smile looking at him and then lay back down against the roof who knew Marco wasn't a dick all the time?



He kisses her forehead. Good for her.

She smiles up looking at him. What could he have said that could've been such a smile worth hers. I hiss as I remove my hand from my side.

The blood on my hand and now staining through my clothes.

Fucking bastards shot me.

" let me help." Ninas voice says from in front of me.

" I'm fine. Go play with your boyfriend." I mumble and it sounded less jealous in my head.

" he's not my boy friend flash, I haven't moved on since.. well you." She mumbles and she lifts my shirt and I smirk.

" don't be horny Hernandez, this is a fucking wound." She says rolling her eyes

fucking Marco ruins the moment when he hands he her a aid kit and kisses the side of her head and walks away I'm guessing getting in his car.

" I'll see you, Marco." She mumbles under her breath and grabs the suing needle. And puts it through my skin repeating the process over and over again.

She finally finishes and places a big bandage on top. She goes to walk away but I grab her arm. She doesn't turn around but doesn't move my arm either.

" and if you ask me, Marco.. he doesn't know how please you like I do. He doesn't know what you want.." I say and stand up and her body language changes.

" Flash hes leaving. He's going back to Europe to be with his family." she says and I sigh.

"what's his name?" I ask refuring to our kid. And I'm guessing by the way her face lit up at the thought of him she knew what I was saying. I look down at her and she looks up at me and looks back down.

" Fin.. well, Finley. It's Bailey-"

" baileys middle name." I finish the sentence for her and smile. " you missed him the most." I say and close the trunk as she stands behind me still.

" No, it's just.. he was my best friend. But he hates me now." She mumbles and wipes her hands on her black pants.

" no.. he just thought you died. So that mindset I don't think it's clicked for him that you're really alive." I say and she nods.

Ace gets in the car and I open the back door to the van.

" Ace said baileys in the car with fin. They left. They're going to the base. Let's start heading there before Bailey has no money." I say and she tilts her head jumping in the car behind me and Ace starts to drive.

" no money?" She asks buckling her seatbelt.


" wanna 20 or something?" I ask as the kid just stares at me.

" here just- just take the wallet." I say shoving my wallet to his face as he opens it and I sigh.

Works every time.


Short but I wanted to upload something.

Hope you liked it!

It was a little rushed just because I'm starting school and I wrote this in the car as i was about to go school shopping.

- V

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