Chapter 10 " Now."

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Nyah has helped a lot with fin since I got back. Like I couldn't thank her enough.

She's like a sister. She reminds me of mine.

Speaking of mine. Nevaeh. My sister. The beautiful blonde that's fruity for girls. Yeah that one.

Bailey talked to her. Convinced her to come here. He didn't tell her why. And Nevaeh's stubborn self tried to make up a reason not too.

But Bailey, Bailey knew how. Food. And well her girlfriend. Yeah and her Valery, they made it. They're together. Still.

I smile. I missed my sister most of all. All the hurt I caused I know she took it the hardest. She stayed for my mother. My mother is in Arizona, she moved in with grandma, her mom. I feel it's better for her not to know.

Don't get mad. But the more people who know, the more dangerous it is for me to still be alive. And I can't risk my life because I have a reason to live now.

Fin. He needs a mother. And I know my mother needs a daughter. But she's doing good.

Bailey showed me a picture from her Facebook of her and this guy named Winston. Apparently they're together and she's doing good.

I wouldn't ruin that.

I finally get out of bed and throw on some pants. Almost as soon as I see my tank top. There's a knock at the door.

" one minute!" I yell and slide on my tank top and fix the straps as I walk towards the door.

I open it and I almost freeze.

" Sage..." I say utterly shocked. My eyes scan him up and down and I feel him do the same.

" Nina I thought-"

"I didn't. I thought you-" I interrupt him knowing what he was going to say. ' Nina I thought you died' nope I'm just a liar.

" No.. I came back. Missed the town.." he says interrupting me as well knowing I was gonna to say ' I thought you moved.' He must get that a lot.

We both hear a clearing of a throat and Sage turns around and we both looked shocked.

" a little close arent you?" That damned British accent.

" Flash-" I try to interfere but Sage dismisses me with his hand.

" don't worry." Sage says glaring at flash and then smiles at me and turns back to flash.

" I was already on my way out." Sage says and flash and him glare at each other for a second before Sage walks away with a shake of his head.

Once Sage is completely gone after a slam of the front door flash looks at me.

" after all this time. Its still like he has some type of sniffer on you. Knows when me and you are finally good and wants to weasel his way back into our life." He says and I look at him with a roll of my eyes.

" why do you do that?" I ask and walk into my room, flash following after me closing the door behind us.

" Do what?" He asks like he didn't just kick Sage out with a dirty look.

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