Chapter 3

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Venus's POV:

When I woke up, I was surrounded by darkness and heard this thumping sound. Remember what the doctor told me, then I must be 20 weeks, meaning I can hear things, and begin to move and kick. Wanting to see if this is true, I kicked my foot out and felt something firm hit my heel.

"Alex! Alex wake up! The baby's kicking!" Everest whisper-shouted, I then felt something press where I kicked. "Come on baby, kick for Mommy and Mama."

I did it again, and I heard sheets rustling. Alex must be moving closer. I felt something softly rubbing Everest's stomach. Everest must have sat up because I was jerked around a bit.

"Hi baby, it's Mommy, if you can hear me, can you kick again?" Alex's voice is close, so she must have her face near me. Once more, I kicked where her hand is. After that Alex began to tell me about what her and Everest are going to be doing tomorrow, and that she exited for when I'm born.

"Alright baby, Mama and I are going back to sleep, promise me that you'll be a good girl and not keep Mama up for to long. I love you." Alex kissed Everest's stomach with a loud 'mwah' then I heard sheets being moved. Being moved around once again, I know that Everest is laying down. 

I begin to get tired so I let a dreamless sleep consume me. Waking up I heard Ev-Mama and Mommy, but there were more voices I didn't know. I kicked my leg out to tell them to be quiet, since I was mad they disturbed my slumber.

"I'm sorry baby, did we wake you?" Mama laughed, rubbing what I assumed to be her hand over me, soothing my anger. "She started to kick, the first one was at 2am, and I was in tears the whole time Alex was talking to her."

"Can I talk to her? I would love my grandbaby to know who her Grandma is before she is even born." A female voice asked, she was pretty far away so I struggled to hear her, that means the Mama and Mommy are at their parents house. Then I remember Mommy telling me last night that we'll be going to their house.

I found out that the thumping is actually Mama's heartbeat, and it's actually rather soothing. I'm sure if I could smile, my face would be hurting.

"Sure, she might even begin to kick, so place one hand here so she can feel you, and another here so you can feel her kick." I felt something press on the top of Mama's stomach.

"Hi baby, I'm Grandma, I'm Mama's Mommy. I'm excited to meet you. Grandpa, Nana, Poppy and I are going to give you all the presents in the world." Grandma was rubbing soothing circles, and to let her know I heard her, I kicked my leg out. "My grandbaby." It sounded like she was crying, making me kick again, I don't know why she's crying but it's making me sad.

"Ok mom, that enough, you're gong to make me cry." Mama sniffled, and Grandma laughed a watery laugh.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm just getting used to you not being a baby anymore." I felt the pressure get taken off me, and I begin to roll around. I heard Mama chuckle and something press down again.

"Hello baby girl." I hear Mommy say, I continue to move around till I'm comfortable. "I can feel her moving. Baby girl, you comfortable in there, all warm and safe? I think Mama is doing a wonderful job at keeping you safe, do you agree?" I kicked my leg out, earning a chuckle from Mama and Mommy. "I'll take that as a yes. Well baby, how does it feel to be complemented by your unborn baby?"

A roar of laughter suddenly heard, causing me to jump, and something to rub soothing circles along my side.

"Well I guess we should get going now, we don't want to put strain on Everest's body. We'll see you after the next ultrasound in 4 weeks." After being jolted around, I kicked both my legs out then began trying to get comfortable again.

"I'm sorry baby, did I make you move in there, how evil of me." Mama rubbed the spot where I kicked.

"Try walking around, it'll make her feel like she's being rocked, and it will calm her down, maybe even send her to sleep." Nana advised, and sure enough when Mama started walking, I calmed down.

The feeling of being rocked with each step made me drift off into a deep sleep. I was petrified for when I'm born. Being pushed out a hole that's ten times too small, it's down to hurt.

The next 4 weeks have flow by and today we're going to get an ultrasound. I over heard Mama on the phone to the imaging facility and she asked them if they can do a 3D scan to see my face. After that, I made it my mission for them to capture my smile. You heard my right, I can smile now, and I plan on letting everyone see.

"I swear, my bump is getting bigger everyday. She's getting so big, and we're only in the 2nd Trimester. On the way to the ultrasound, maybe we can talk about my birth plan. I know I want a home birth. Maybe a water birth."

"It's your body baby, your allowed to choose how you want our baby born, I'll support you no matter what you choose." I hear a sloppy sound meaning that the kissed. The sound intensified made me want to put an end to it, so I did. Shooting my leg out, I heard the sound stop and Mama laughed. "Mommy and I are sorry baby, we didn't mean to make you mad."

I felt Mama begin to walk away, but not before whispering 'Later' to Mommy. Eventually I hear the Driver's door shut and the car turn on. Mama and Mommy were talking about their birth plain, which consisted of a home, water birth, then the moment I was born, skin to skin.

Mama and Mommy were then joking around until I felt the car come to a stop. Hearing a car door open and close shut, then another door closer by open, I was moved around when Mama got out of the car.

"I can't wait to hear her heart beat again. I could just listen to it for hours and not want to stop, it reminds me that there is a living being inside of me, depending on me, needing me to keep it safe." 

I heard a door being opened, Mama and Mommy talking to what I assume was the person at the front desk, then felt Mama walk somewhere and I assume, sit on a chair. 30 minutes go past and I hear Mama's name get called.

"Lead the way baby." Mommy's voice makes it's way to my tiny ears. Being shifted around, then rocked with each step, I thought about how I was happy with how everything has turned out.


Thank you guys for reading. I didn't like the end on this chapter so I just changed it to something different.

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