Trackstar Antelope Volume 1

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so I checked out the gym notice board, they're hosting the signups after school" Riley says at lunchtime. "But... if I were you, I'd check with Mr. Harris before you sign up"

"Hmm... yeah, you have a point, Riley. I don't even know if herbivores would be allowed to enter the sports day" I reply

I never thought that I could do something like this... as I leave the classroom, I head over to the gym, going early to talk to Mr. Harris, the sports teacher, and see what he thinks. I get to the gym doors and open them with great force.

The gym is a fairly old building but is very well used. It has a basketball court, which is multi-purpose, and offices in the back for teachers. I don't see Mr. Harris anywhere, but four carnivores, sitting on the benches. Of course, how could I not have seen this. These guys are considered the strongest athletes in the school. I know them, and I can't really call them friends. They're a little rough, and I don't think they're trying to be nice.

There's Abe, a brown bear. He's on the school wrestling team and would be impossible to win a fight against, no matter what species you are. Tye, a Golden Jackal, who has a mean throwing arm for javelin and shot put. Liam, an iguana who broke the 70-year-old high jump record last year, and Sam, a tiger who managed to get to the state finals in the 1200m track race last year. That's the event I want to try out for, so I need to work hard if I have to beat him.

"Oi Jamel, this isn't the place for you. Run along, because you're not gonna make it to the track" I hear Tye say. Abe and Liam laugh along with him, but I see Sam become a bit more uncomfortable. I try to ignore that remark.

"Where's Mr. Harris?" I ask them with confidence. I have to stand my ground, even if I am scared.

"He's busy in his office. Luckily for us, we're all alone" Abe commented. That remark felt really eerie. Four massive carnivores, and a tiny antelope all alone in a big gym

"I-I just want to try out for the long-distance race, that's all" I say after a while. I'm starting to feel a bit less confident about this whole idea. I should have just gone to Mr Harris' office before school and talked to him then.

"Hey Sam, did you hear that? Horns is gonna try and rival against you." Liam butted in. Sam looks like he really doesn't want to say anything.

Sam moved to Whigata a few years from some town on the other side of the state, and is also in Year 10. He's known for being really shy around herbivores, especially at school. I heard that last year, he did a school project with a goat, and because he didn't want to present with her. They both bombed the project, and the teacher wasn't happy.

There's a rumour amongst the smaller animals and herbivores that he moved here after devouring an herbivore, which explains his good athleticism, and why he's quiet around herbivores.

"Uh... yeah... I bet I could do laps around a deer like him" Sam said. His voice was a bit shaky, but I don't think the others detected it.

"Yeah, you better be careful, Horns. Once he starts to overlap you, he might pounce on you, then you'll regret signing up for the race." Abe said. That one really hurt, and Sam definitely didn't like that either. I turned to leave, but as I was ready to move, I saw Mr. Harris enter the gym. He looked a little surprised to see me, as would anybody.

"Hey. James, is it? Is everything alright, are you lost?" he asked as he walked towards me. If the words "athletic" and "strong" had a character, it would be him. Mr. Harris is a black panther, and a big one at that. Despite his intimidating, large, muscle build, he's very nice, and especially considerate of herbivores and other small animals, but you can't help but feel a bit nervous when someone of his size is towering over you.

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