Kaede Rukawa x OC [Slam Dunk - request by liyah0829]

Start from the beginning

Humming a tune, I stepped out of my room and headed to the dining room for dinner. As on every other day, we shared lighthearted conversations over our meal and turned in for the night soon after.

The following day at school was without the slightest deviation from the routine. Classes dragged on and most complained about the surprise test we were given in math. The group presentation we had in computer class went well though, and my friends and I had no trouble impressing the teacher with what we had worked on. Lunch break was noisy in the cafeteria, with non-stop chatting and roaring laughter echoing from all the tables. It was the same for me, Maru chan and Erika chan, while we spoke about food and trending fashion.

"You two can go to class first. I'm going to get some air on the terrace for a bit," I said to Maru chan and Erika chan when we left the cafeteria. There were still a few minutes before the bell and I wanted to see the kitten that oftentimes lazed on the terrace.

"Alright. Don't be late though," Maru chan said.

With a wave, I climbed up to the terrace and stepped out onto the cemented floor. I sprinted to the side of the store room that was a little away but stalled upon seeing several people standing there. They were laughing while looking at the kitten they were crowding around - she was absolutely terrified and hissing at them despite how beaten up she looked. It looked like they were hurting her by abusing her.

"Hey, leave her alone!" I hollered to the boys, furrowing my brows at them.

"Huh?" One of them turned to look at me, his face contorted in anger. His expression lightened when he saw me though, and he grinned in amuse. "Well, well, aren't you the butterfly of Class 9B? The girl that all the teachers like because you're always so smiley."

Though I stood my ground, I was more than nervous. These boys were from Class 10A and were known to be the delinquents of Shohoku High. They bullied most of their peers, even beating up several who stood up to them in any way. I doubted that they would beat me up because I was a girl, but it did not mean that they would entirely spare me from bullying.

The nickname they had used for me had come from a few of my class - they had come up with that because of my constantly cheerful personality and my delicate touch in nearly everything I did. It was a fancy nickname to have earned in just two years since I joined Shohoku High, but most thought of it as appropriate.

One of the boys approached me with his hands in his pockets and I couldn't stop from taking an involuntary step back. He was quick to grab me by the collar and I held his hand in reflex, trying to pry him off.

"Don't you know who we are? You've got s lot of nerve telling us what to do," he said sharply. He suddenly grinned though and shook me a little while saying, "Or maybe you're here because you like one of us, eh? Who is it?"

"I don't like any of you. You're all just a bunch of thugs," I answered, still trying to pry off the hand that held my collar.

"What was that?" The boy holding me frowned deeply, clearly irked by my words. "Do you want to be beat up? I'll make sure to-"

"You're all so noisy."

The voice that came from the other side of the store room had all of us looking there. Ruffling his hair with an expression of annoyance, we saw none other than Rukawa kun stepping into view. It looked like he had been sleeping - he was known to sleep on the terrace and during class, and he hated his naps being interrupted. He looked over everyone with narrow eyes, though his gaze lingered on me for a moment longer than the others.

He walked past us nonchalantly, his hands in his pockets. He was stopped by one of the bullies though, and forcefully turned around. "Where do you think you're going, punk? You're that hothead on the basketball team, aren't you? You think you can act all high any mighty with us just because of that? We should teach you a lesson!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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