"She's in a bad way, but she's alive," Rian said. His eyes found you and Mithun, and he acknowledged you with a simple nod before they cut back to Nico.

           The Enforcer's grip on the door was harsh, the back of his shoulders tense. "Who did it?"

          "Vampires. The stench is all over her." Rian grimaced, expression hardening with hate.

         "Leeches," Nico growled. "Was it the Crimson knights?"

         "No. A den of them just south from there."

        Nico snarled, "We'll talk with their leader. Get permission to attack. They won't play games; that would mean another war. Their kind broke the treaty first, like last time. Look how that turned out for them."

         Rian gave a stiff nod. "I agree. I've already chosen our messenger. But for now, would you like to see her?"

         "She's here?"

         Rian nodded in confirmation. "Our pack was the closest, and she needed medical care. She's with Healer Rommel as we speak."

         Nico turned to you and Mithun. The light on his face showed his anguish.

         "It's Aerilyn," he revealed, voice tight. "They've found her, but she's hurt."

         You'd figured that much. Your hand found Mithun's, who stood next to you on the steps, and you squeezed it.

         "Go," you ordered him softly. "We'll be here when you need us."

         He nodded, eyes a bit frantic. "I'll send someone to watch over the house, so don't be alarmed if you hear someone outside."

           "You think the vampires will attack?" Mithun questioned, trying to sound brave, but you heard how his voice wavered and gave him another squeeze.

          Nico hesitated. "They have in the past. Around seven years ago now. I can't say for sure, but either way, you'll be protected. We're way back against the mountain. They won't reach here without taking down the first, second, and third defenders, and you'll have someone guarding the house."

          "Ok," you said, because what else was there? Everything was happening so fast, and you barely had time to take it all in in your sleepy state.

           "I won't be gone long," he promised firmly.

           "Ok," you repeated, nodding this time.

           With that, he turned and marched through the door, Rian hot on his heels.


          You didn't go back to sleep. Instead, you made yourself and Mithun a hot tea and sat by the fire. Waiting.

          True to his word, Nico didn't stay gone long. He told you how the vampire's venom had slowed her healing and they were currently getting it out of her system via an antidote. Once it was all gone, she'd heal within hours.

          "She doesn't know you're back yet," Nico admitted to Mith. "She's too out of it. But once she's better, I'll take you both there."

           It was nighttime once more when he did just that.

          You were nervous.

          This was Mithun's biological mother, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't insecure about her. She had your role in Mithun's life. You didn't know if she was a threat—if she'd try to take him away from you. You didn't know if she'd see you as a threat, either.

           Your biggest hope was the both of you could find common ground, and she'd fit into Mith's life as effortlessly as Nico did. You didn't feel pushed out by his father and prayed that would extend to Mithun's relationship with Aerilyn. It was also your wish that she didn't feel excluded, either. It would be a tricky balance, but Mithun proved that miracles did happen.

           Still, your insecurities ate at you. She's you. . .but more. She's a shifter, just like him. Your fear of not being good enough resurfaced. What if he preferred her, or they had more in common?

          You shoved those thoughts down as you approached the familiar hut they'd treated you in. Putting yourself down wouldn't help the situation.

          A lantern lit the outside, along with the one Nico was holding. He placed it on the floor before opening the door and ushering you both inside before he followed. You were in the tiny waiting room.

          "Ready?" he mouthed, gaze flickering between you both. A smile lifted his lips, which you attempted to mirror.

          Mith nodded enthusiastically. For his sake. . .you hoped she was just as amazing as Nico, even if – for whatever reason – you felt like it would take something away from you.

           Nico proceeded to the door separating you and the healing room. He propped it open and said, "There's someone here I think you'd like to meet."

           A shaky, feminine voice with a whispery huskiness responded, "I know that scent. . .but Nico, it can't be. . ."

           Nico gestured to Mithun, who stepped forward and took a deep breath before entering the room, his back to Nico's chest.

           "Hi," your pup said. Nervous. "It's me. . .your son."

          Your son. It shouldn't hurt. He was stating a fact. But your heart didn't listen to your head.

          "My boy." She sounded choked up. Crying, most likely. "Oh my god – come here. Please. Come to me."

      He did, disappearing into the room and out of your sight. You turned your gaze away, tears stinging your eyes. You couldn't imagine how she must be feeling right now.

          Nico smiled at them before turning to you. "Bambi."

          Your eyes found him, and he gestured to you.

         "C'mon," he said warmly when you hesitated.

          It was your turn to take a deep breath and step forward. You entered the doorway, standing before Nico just as Mithun had.

          She hadn't seen you yet. She clung to Mithun, who hugged her beside the bed. Her head was buried in his shoulder, and she was rocking slightly.

          You had no idea what to expect when she finally saw you—when she found out Mithun called you his mother.

           But, out of all the reactions—sad, grateful, angry—you weren't expecting her to scream.

          "I thought she was gone – I thought you'd saved him from her!" she cried, holding Mithun tight—away from you. As if you'd hurt him, and that angered you more than her shouting did. "Nico – what's going on? Why is she here?!"

          Nico sounded just as confused as you were. "What do you mean, Aerilyn? She's the one who saved him—who kept him safe. She brought him back to us."

          The blood drained from her face, and she frantically shook her head. "No, Nico – she's the one who took him from us."

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