twenty four

264 18 4

        YOU SPENT THE REST OF THE DAY hiding out in Mithun's room until hunger got too much and the both of you were forced to ransack the kitchen.

        With the help of Mith, you found the ingredients for a mushroom stew. You placed them in a black rounded pot before hanging it above the fireplace to cook.

        Nico wasn't home. You noticed that when he failed to show his face. Unless he was also hiding out in his bedroom, but you didn't see him as a sit-around-and-do-nothing type.

        "Maybe you can set up a rescue here," Mith said whilst you sat by the fire, stirring the stew. He placed himself opposite you on the seater, legs folded underneath him.

        You threw him an amused look. "I barely managed to stop you from eating my animals. How am I supposed to fight off a pack of shifters?"

        "Hey, I was younger back then. I wouldn't do it now." He rolled his eyes, and you laughed because he was nine and that was still young. "Anyway. If Dad told them no, then I bet they'd be too scared to."

        You pursed your lips at that. "Everyone is awfully nervous around him."

        You thought of the words he'd uttered to you.

        When people disrespect me like that, I hurt them.

        A shiver ran down your spine as you remembered the dark look in his eye, his low, rumbling voice and the sentence which followed. . .the one you tried very hard not to think about.

        So, what is it about you, which makes me want to kiss you breathless instead?

        You shook your head, ridding yourself of the memory. The last thing you needed right now was to imagine what it could have been like if you'd chosen to give into the moment instead of holding your ground.


        You hummed in response. 

        "I said, that's because he's the Enforcer," he informed you, frowning. "You weren't listening, were you?"

        "I was!" you protested. Taking the spoon out of the pot, you tapped it against the rim, getting rid of excess moisture before placing it on top of a dish towel by your knees. "You said it's because he's the Enforcer. See? Listening." You pointed to yourself, shifting your body so you were facing him.

        He rolled his eyes at you. "Yeah, because I had to repeat it."

        "Lies," you gasped playfully.

        "Well, according to the pack, you'd know a thing or two about that," he commented drily. You winced. "Sorry," he said after a moment, cringing at his joke. "That sounded funnier in my head."

        It had stung, but you knew he meant nothing by it. It wasn't aimed at you but at the shifters accusing you. You waved him off.

        "It's fine. It was kinda funny."

        The front door opened. You and Mithun were angled in a way which allowed you to see Nico step inside, wearing his usual outfit of linen trousers, his feet protected by what looked like leather sandals. He kicked them off before hovering by the living room archway.

        "Hey," he greeted softly, blue eyes flickering between you.

        Something pinched at your insides, seeing him so unsure when you were used to him being so confident.

        "Hey," you responded, gesturing to the fireplace. "I've got a stew on. You can have some if you like."

        "I'd love some." Reassured by your offer, he stepped further into the room, eyes trailing to Mith, who kept his head turned away stubbornly. "If that's okay with you, Mith?"

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