twenty nine

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        YOU CLEANED YOURSELF IN THE BATHROOM, your legs like jelly and your smile permanently tattooed on your face. Abandoning your very damp, very uncomfortable underwear, you pulled on a fresh pair along with your favourite style nighty before returning to Nico.

        You found him lying on the blanket in the same spot you'd occupied. Trousers back in place, hair sticking up at funny angles and bare-chested.

        With his lazy and satisfied smile, he offered you his arm, the other tucked behind his head.

        Without missing a beat, you accepted. You folded yourself against his side, your head resting on his shoulder as you gazed into the fire, which warmed you both with its cosy glow. His arm moulded against your back, his hand possessively cupping your hip, fingers spread as far as your ass cheek.

        You sighed in contentment. Having gone so long without being touched like this. . .you basked in it.

        Nico's lips rested against your forehead. "There will be a feast tomorrow with our allies. You're welcome to join us."

        Anxiety shot through you. "Who will be there?"

        "Me. Rian. Their alpha and Luna – Konstant and Imani. Dathrow, their Enforcer and his mate Juno. Their children too. You and Mithun are invited, but I understand if it's too much for you both."

        You were thankful he was giving you an out because the thought of eating in front of highly-ranked shifters was daunting as all hell.

        "I'll think about it," you said hesitantly.  

        What if they laughed at you? Or were disgusted by the mortal half of you? You didn't want there to be a fight, and you knew Nico would stand up to anyone who disrespected you.

        "You don't have to," he reminded you gently. "There's always going to be more opportunities for you to join one of these meals. So there's no rush."

        His words warmed your heart. He was so sweet to you. No pressure. No rush. Your comfort came first.

        You tilted your head up and pressed a grateful kiss to his lips. "Thank you. As soon as I've decided, I'll let you know."


        You decided to attend the feast.

        Nico had done so much for you, you couldn't bare the thought of letting him down simply because you were nervous.

        So you did your hair in that fancy style you loved so much and wore your tunic with the waist tie to accentuate your curves. You even gave your boots a clean.

         Nico assured you no one would be wearing anything fancy. Apparently, shifters weren't like the nobles from your village. You half expected them to dress up in expensive clothes and wear a crown.

         But shifters had little interest in money or riches. In fact, as far as you were aware, they didn't even have a currency. Instead, they worked hard for the pack's sake, everyone contributing and keeping things running smoothly.

         Mithun also joined you. He walked next to you with Nico on your other side, your arm locked with his as you entered the cave mouth and strode towards the long table.

        Rian sat at the very end. The seats lining his left side occupied the allies. The right was empty, but not for long.

        Nico pulled out two seats for you and Mithun before placing himself in the one next to his brother.

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