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        A week later and you were no longer cramping, your period having ended a few days prior.

        Your leg had improved slightly. The throb becoming a dull, constant ache. Walking was a little bit easier, but you still felt as if it'd give way without someone supporting you.

        Although you had to admit, you felt a bit run down.

       Shivery at times, overheating at others as if your body couldn't decide on your temperature. Your bones ached, but you figure that's simply from over doing it. You'd been through a lot lately, so it was only to be expected.

        Waking up on the hard floor of the cave, warmed by the radiating heat of the fire and sheepskin blanket bundled over you had become your new norm. Whilst weird dreams and Jessa's lifeless face kept you from sleeping peacefully, you're not surprised to find its easier for you settle knowing the townsfolk weren't going to break down your door and attempt to harm Mithun.

        This morning, however, starts off a little different than the last few you'd experienced.

        Mostly because it was the first time you woke to the sound of Nico shouting in alarm.

        "Mithun get inside! I won't tell you again!"

        The urgency in Nico's voice has you darting upright. Using the cave wall for support, you don't hesitate to rush outside as fast as your legs allow you.

        Edging around the path between the cave and the waterfall, you reach the widening stone floor which morphs into green grass. Turning off of it, the pool of water is to your left as you struggle to make your way to the two familiar figures – one of them in wolf form.

        They're across the stretch of grass from you. Nico pointing towards the cave and ordering Mithun to turn back now. He'd placed himself between your pup and the forest behind him.

        Dread fills you, settling deep into your bones. Something wasn't right. The sky darkened by clouds, the chilly air with a sharper than usual bite. It also smelt awful. A linger scent of what you can only describe as a rotting carcass.

        You place the back of your arm over your nose and mouth.

        "Bambi!" Nico growls loudly, his tone furious. "You too – get your asses back inside that cave!"

        Mithun darts round, staring at you. Even from this distance you could read the worry on him, the fur around his neck raised. You're surprised he didn't sense your approach but had most likely been too busy arguing with his father.

        He didn't want you out here.

        Well, now he knew how both you and his father felt about him.

        He barks at you angrily. A warning to get back.

        "Mithun!" you shout, not even half-way there. "You listen to your father and come with me, right now."

        You didn't know what had Nico on such high alert, but his tense posture and deadly serious expression told you enough.

        "If you want me to go back inside," you start, "then you better get your butt in there with me because I'm not leaving you out here."

        Mithun shakes his head at that and you grit your teeth as he turns back to his father and sits.

        What the hell was going on?

       Nico glances at the trees behind him before shaking his head in frustration. He steps forward on one foot before landing on two front paws, his body shifting gracefully from man to wolf.

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