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          Nico was still out, so you threw fresh wood on the fire and brought it back to life. Mithun curled up on the seater behind you, elbow on the arm with his chin resting on his palm. He gazed out the back window where your three-stack high cages were visible.

         Nico had assured you he didn't mind if you wanted to bring them into the house, but you had seen straight past his act. No shifter wished to live near something they instinctively wanted to eat.

         Mithun was the exception. Having grown up with it, it never bothered him like the shifters here. You'd witnessed many of them avoiding walking too close to Gorhan's farm, and if they did venture by, they'd make a show of holding their nose.

         Although you had to admit, a farm full of cows, pigs and sheep was ten times smelly than a bird, rabbit or cat.

         "So," you started casually.

          "Oh god," Mith moaned dramatically, throwing his head back.

          You frowned, strangely offended. "What? I didn't even say anything yet!"

          "You used the same tone as Dad when he asked me the same thing." He lolled his head until his chin touched his chest, and he looked at you from beneath his eyebrows. "Yes. I don't care if you're courting or becoming mates or – or whatever. It's nice to see you happy," he admitted, more gently than before. "I – I like that there's someone to look after you. . .and Dad's good at that stuff."

          You melted. Not only because Nico was way ahead of you but also because Mith understood your need for companionship, and not only that, but he encouraged it.

          "Thank you," you said softly. "I mean. I don't know if this will get serious or even last forever, but I really like him and. . .and I hope it does."

           "Dad talks about you all the time," Mithun stated with a shrug. "I know he really likes you too."

          "He does?" you perked.

          The look he gave you screamed, 'Are you dumb?' "You heard him earlier, right? The whole ceremony, soon-to-be mate thing? You're basically engaged."

         "Huh." You had suspected. But still. It was nice to confirm. "That's. Uh. Wow."

          Mithun shook his head, muttering something under his breath which sounded suspiciously like parents.

         Oddly, the revelation didn't panic you as much as you'd thought. It was quite the opposite. Your belly fluttered - your body so giddy with excitement you felt it in your toes.

          You grinned, turning your attention back to the fire.


         Two weeks later and everything took a steep turn for the worst.

        You were woken up in the early morning hours by a fist pounding against the front of the house. By the time you climbed out of bed and reached your bedroom door, Nico was already halfway down the stairs.

          Mithun appeared shortly after, poking his head out of his room. He'd been staying in there since his sleepover. Whilst you did miss his presence, it was nice to be able to spread out. Not to mention, he was getting older now, and you had to let him go eventually.

         You both made it downstairs, finding Nico at the door already talking with Rian. The only light source was the lantern Rian held in his hand, the glow of it pouring into the entryway.

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